Exchange System members

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Hey, team!

This is where the members of Exchange group's names will be listed with points and their information regarding the club. Like how many exchanges they had done.

Get points:
>Complete your assignments in 5th of the month= 5 points

> Complete your assignment= 3 points

> Completion of your assignment in extended time= 2 points
(Means if you ask for an extension to finish after given time you'll only get 2 points)

> Reading Book of the month= 5 points

> Reading extra chapters of BOTM= 2 points for each chapter

> Reading extra chapters of your partner's book= 2 points for each chapter

Points can get you spotlight and your book will be given a chance to become Book of Mayhem Society and you will become Best member of Mayhem Society where your book will get promotion in Mayhem Festival.

1. Hello_Cupid
Book: You Me and Coffee
Genre: Romance

2. MichelleManisha
Book: How to Kill a Vampire
Genre: Humor-Vampire

3. LautheReader21
Book name: Black Widow
Genre: Romance

4. Queendom25
Book name: Adelaide's Solace

Genre: Romance

5. CKArceneauxLeger
Book: The Waking World
Genre: Science Fiction

6. BoysandBlondes
Book: Bad
Genre: Romance

7. moddern
Book: Sativa
Genre: Mature Romance

8. MandyMays2
Book: Not Claimed Yet
Genre: Fantasy

9. xvpizzalov
Book: Rest in Peace
Genre: Paranormal

10. AdriannaRaines3172
Book: The Butterfly effect
Genre: Mystery-Thriller

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