Weird but ok

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Jeff's POV:

I was stalking this person who left the police station. I've never seen her before which means she's either a new person who need police protection or a new police officer or detective. Either way, hunting her should be more fun than a random person. I did my best to conceal my presence as I followed her. As she was passing a dark ally I noticed a man in there before she did. Heck, she didn't even seem to notice him! I would be really annoyed if he stole my prey, but I didn't want to interfere right now. I'm not helping either of them, but if she got taken that just meant another body in my count. I watch as he grabs her and tries to pull her into the ally without much luck. He must be weak because she looks like it'd be easy to pull her anywhere. As I keep watching I see her step forward slightly and kick her leg back so her heel connects with his balls. I struggle not to laugh as he falls to the ground holding his crotch in a lot of pain. He tried to take my prey, so he definitely deserves all the pain he's in. After that she just continued on her way as if nothing happened.
She's definitely weird, that's for sure. It should be fun to play with her a bit before I kill her. I hope she has like a cat or some other pet I can kill to creep her out. It'd be much more fun to creep her out and then kill her rather than just kill her, but that's as long as she's not boring.

She continues, and when she's near an apartment looks back, thankfully I stay hidden and have the illusion thing from Slender. As long as she's not the most boring person in the world, which she doesn't seem to be, she shouldn't be able to see me at all. Despite that, it seems like she looks directly in my eyes. That shouldn't be possible though, I have everything keeping me from her sight, even most of a tree! As quickly as she turned around to look behind her she turned back around and my smile widened. This will be fun. She goes up to a building that requires a key-card or someone buzzing you in before you can enter. That shouldn't be much of a problem as long someone has their window open.

I watch as she scans her card from her pocket before hearing the door beep and she walks in and fully closes the door. Good thing I wasn't planning on getting in through the door. The main thing I need to do now is figure out where she lives. She doesn't seem like someone who would live on the first floor or the top floor either.  I'll have to poke around when I manage to get in, which I should probably start trying to do soon.

I walk up to the side of the building, away from the cameras I spotted earlier. This place seems to try decently well to keep their residents, to bad it won't really help. I put my fingers on the building finding some good hand holds. I bet these are here from dumb adolescents sneaking out without their parents permission. Makes my life easier at least. I start scaling the building and at each set of windows look for an open one. It wasn't until about the fifth or sixth floor that I noticed an open window that I then made my way over to. As I slid through the window I'm met with the scent of fresh paint. This idiot either left the window open to disperse the the smell or really didn't care about if birds and bats got in. I look around the room to see the newly painted white walls, void of anything interesting. I go to the simple wooden door and open it, a slight creak being heard as I do so. I walk around the small apartment to see if anyone was here, only to find the place completely devoid of anything. No furniture, paintings, cooking utensils, nothing. I bet someone died in the newly painted room, probably caused by someone I live with. Someone died in a room and they leave the window to that room open as if that's not the most obvious way for the murder to get in and out. Why are humans still complete idiots?

I go to the front door, indicated by the peephole and it being the only one cool to the touch. I quietly open it and prop it open with one of the neighbors pot so I can easily get back in without being hindered by the darn doorknob. I also unlock it just to be sure I can get back in if someone moves the pot. I walk around the floor, looking at the name plates on the doors.

"Katlin, Samantha, Kris, Liam, Rhiannon, Brylie, Lyssa, Megan, Andrew, Joseph. What's up with these weak names. Couldn't someone have a strong name?" I mumble out as I continue down the hall before reaching the stairs and elevator. Guess they want to be accessible to more money-skins. Sadly, I should probably take the stairs to avoid long exposure to cameras. I'll just check one more floor before going back out for the night. The less time I stay in a building that isn't the mansion the better. I quickly go up the stairs hearing a door close in the hall.  Now I'm kinda glad the stairs have a door keeping them separate from the hall.

I peak through the door separating me from that hall way to almost be blinded by the light. One of the people apparently had their light on even though it's friggin late! After putting some eye drops in my eyes so I can try and see in there again. Looking through the crack and letting the spots clear from my eyes I see someone at the end of the hall sitting on a chair, but because of the light one of their darned neighbors had on I couldn't make out much of them other than they are a girl. I then, feeling like I've been staying still to long, go back down to the other floor. I really should get going back, and something doesn't feel quite right which is really something coming from me.

Leaving the way I came, replacing the plant where I think it was, and climbing down the wall I make it back to ground next to the building. I start heading towards the forest, the all consuming quiet and darkness calming my nerves I didn't know were on end. I haven't been on edge like that since Jane started trying to kill me, and she mostly stopped that a few years ago. I think someone in that building was on to me, though I have no idea how.


Thanks for reading! I hope you stay healthy and safe!

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