Catch Dat Boi

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Serra's POV:

When I managed to make it home it was around 1300 (1 pm for unaccustomed people) and decided to make lunch while mulling over possible ways to find that interesting person from last night. I put away the groceries I bought before deciding on what would be my lunch for today. Some spaghetti with sauce should be a decent enough lunch for now, so I start some water heating before going to look through my place for a camera. Theoretically a camera would be the easiest way to have proof of a specious person. I, sadly, don't think the camera will bring me the desired results because the stairs have some cameras and he didn't have a problem being in the stair way. I wonder if I can modify some motion detectors to also record what they see, it might work better than a camera. I go over to my drawer full of motion detectors I got a few years back when I collected them and used them to know when and how often my parents entered my room. They just couldn't seem to stay out of my room for more than six hours at a time. I didn't mind them poking in my room per say, I just found it interesting. I'm glad I kept them, with some adjusting I can learn some stuff about this mysterious person if he crosses the path. I don't know much about him because when he was following me last night he was hidden behind a tree and all I could really tell is his skin was paper white and his hair was pitch black, almost like a void. The void effect was probably because he was hidden in a shadow away from the street lamps. Someone so bent on not being noticed must have some interesting secrets.

I'm distracted from my thoughts as I hear the water boiling. Guess I should add the noodles and stop going through my old stuff. A moment after the noodles finish sinking into the boiling water I hear a knock at my door, causing me to leave the stove and check who it could be. I look through the peep hole and see someone with a box and a clipboard, probably delivering some stuff my parents bought me. I open the door, giving him my best grin as he looks up at me.

"One of your neighbors ringed me in, now please sign here mam." he quickly explained before handing me his clip board. The clipboard said that it was a some kitchen utensils and throw pillows. I quickly signed and handed back the clipboard. After the man got the clipboard back he turned and promptly left without another word. I brought the box inside and opened it. Inside there was indeed utensils and throw pillows, with a little note at the bottom. I picked up the not and read it.

"Dear neighbor, welcome to the building! A few of us on the same floor got together and thought you might be able to use this stuff! We'll be having a bit of a potluck in the hall this weekend if you wanna join. We also have a hall text chat and Discord if you want to join either one! Anyway, welcome to the neighborhood!"

So it wasn't from my parents, but it's still stuff I was thinking of buying. I definitely needed more utensils and throw pillows are nice for naps and making me seem more normal to those who enter my house. I place a few of the pillows around, on my couch and chairs, before taking my new utensils into the kitchen. The noodles seem about done so I strain them with my colander. After they were pretty much all strained I put them back in the put and tossed them a bit with oil, deciding not to shock them. I then grabbed out a can of sauce, a plate, and a use a pasta fork to serve myself up. 

Eating pasta gave me a lot of time to think of how I could change my motion detectors to capture at least his rough shape. From that I should be able to sketch a decent looking picture of how he looks. I'll probably have to set them up next to the stairs door so they aren't as noticeable and try to disguise them more. What do I have that I could use to disguise so many motion detectors? I might need to buy something to disguise them. Just some big poles in the corners of the hall might work, as long as the others don't move them, but they probably won't if I tell them that they're mine. so, to get my plan to work I need to go to a department store to for pipe. I don't want to do that right now, faking emotion is annoying. I'll go when it gets later so that there are fewer people I have to interact with. For some reason people like talking even though idly chatting has no advantage. Feigning idle chatter is good for getting information from someone, so I guess people being used to it isn't completely terrible.

After a moment I realize that, even though I'm not done with my plate and it's not to long after noon, my eyes are struggling to stay open. If my body's telling me to get more rest I probably should while I have the time. I wrap my plate in aluminum, as well as the other serving of pasta I made so I could get more if I was still hungry, and put them in the fridge. I should probably take a nap before my body forcefully makes me take one. So that's exactly what I do.


A little less than 1000 words, sue me.
Yes, I spent my time finding the name for the pasta serving utensil to find out it was called a pasta fork. I did also make a Discord channel, because why not. If you want to join then here's the link for temp membership so make sure to get a role before closing Discord. (The link will be deleted when I've finished the book, so be warned.)

I hope you all stay safe and have a great day!

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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