Doors are Open

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(Serra POV)

I could have sworn I saw someone peaking through the stairs door last night. No, I know I say someone, not one of the other apartment residence, peaking through the stairs door last night.

"Serra, we're not paying you to daydream." my superior said to me, I really should ask what his name is again and try not to forget it.

"Sorry sir, there's just some stuff that happened last night that doesn't add up." I replied with a sigh.

"Oh really? Do you wanna take the day off and investigate your place?" he asked, curiosity in his voice. I looked him in the eyes and saw a shine in his eyes.

"We don't have anything going on right now and if we do I can call you in." he stated. It seems either like he wants me out of the building for the time being or he's really curious about what's happening at my house. Both options aren't normal.

"Sure, sounds like a plan," I replied, my voice as bland and bored as it normally is. "Just don't wait till the last minute if you're gonna call me in. If you do I'd probably be late and that'd waste time."

"I will," he laughed. "You go figure out that little mystery at your place." he said as he walks off. I pick up the few things from my desk that I take home and carefully placed them in my bag. There wasn't much for me to grab, just a few notebooks, a tablet and my phone.

It was a sunny morning with a slight breeze, the optimal circumstances or a brisk walk. Instead of heading straight home I decided to get some groceries. I should buy stuff to make meals and snacks to save some money. I decided to visit Fred Meyer, a smaller store in the Kroger chain. Fred Meyer is also easier to walk to than the other stores, being at least fifteen more minutes of walking to get to one. The store seemed normal at first glance, and mostly was except for some of the employees. I started by searching for the produce I wanted. I found some apples, oranges, carrots but couldn't find tomatoes. That's when one of the employees that didn't look normal came up to me.

"Need any help there mam?" a man with gray skin, sharp teeth, and seemed to be eyeless asked me.

"I'm having trouble finding tomatoes." I responded him, doing my best to fain confusion. If no one else was freaking out about his appearance then why should I? Also if someone's appearance isn't 'normal' it's normally a touchy subject. I learned that the 'hard way' many times.

"Oh, some people were complaining about getting tomatoes confused with apples so were moved behind most of the vegetables. I'll take you there." he explained to me before he started walking. I do my best smile while he leads. On the way he decided to start chatting with me, probably trying to get a base line of information about me.

"I haven't seen you around before." he stated before looking at me to answer the implied question.

"I moved in about a month back and have been going other stores on my bike. Today I decided to talk around and stopped by here because it's closer." I told him, still trying to use the right emotions, before asking a question of my own.

"Why did you decide to work here?" I questioned him. He looked at me a little puzzled before sighing out a laugh.

"I wanted some money to buy stuff with," he said before looking back at me and stating, "I normally work the deli but when it's quiet like now I do stuff in produce."

"Cool, that all makes sense." I replied, doing my best to sound interested.

"I guess, it's kinda boring sometimes though." he said, his voice seemingly questioning me. 

"Now my turn to ask another question," he started, looking at me again. "Why did you decide to work in this town rather than anywhere else?" he asked, curiosity in his voice. Sadly for him, I'd lie about my true reason for working so I don't sound 'weird'.

"There was an open position and because I'm new in my line of work I didn't want to turn up the opportunity. I'd feel really dumb if I was out of work for years because I didn't take this job." I responded to him. It's mostly true, but missing one important part.

"What about the alleged murderer living around here?" he questioned. Those were the main reason I chose to work here. The adrenaline rush I get when my mind realizes something, possibly life threatening, is going to happen.

"Just something I'll have to deal with." I said, which wasn't quite a lie. I'm a homicide detective so I will be having to deal with them eventually. I heard him chuckle at me which caused me to look back at him in confusion.

"Sorry," he started and chuckled a bit more. "Your voice sounded a little down but your posture was totally different than what I would have expected." he explained and chuckled some more. I chuckled a bit too, but I didn't understand how it was funny. I'll have to figure that out later. After that he stopped walking and looking right in his path were the tomatoes.

"Thanks for the help." I said to him with the best smile I could muster.

"No problem, it's what I'm paid to do." he replied, a small smile on his gray lips. After that he walked away, probably back closer to deli. I finished grabbing my produce then grabbed other things for cooking like spaghetti and spices.

On my way home I was met with a less prominent feeling of being watched, as if someone noticed me specifically while they were busy. They currently didn't have anything to do with me and aren't a threat so I decide not to do anything different and pretend not to notice.

When I get home I notice a note on my door from the person who lives across the hall asking if I wanted to hang out tomorrow with their phone number. I'll keep them in mind for hanging out with later, but I should tell them I can't hang out tomorrow first. I have a lot of my days booked with work after all.

Now, how should I go about figuring out about that ghost white person from last night?


Bleh, didn't get all that I wanted done in this chapter to happen. Oh well, that's what happens when Serra chooses what she does and not me. Probably gonna be Serra's Point of View again next chapter.
I hope you guys stay safe and have a great day!

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