One sided love (chapter 1)

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After Ed and Oswald got into an argument, they part ways. Oswald going deeper into Gotham while Ed stayed in the narrows with Lee. Lee was slowly getting closer to Ed and he was not sure how to react to it. Yes he loves her but he did not expect her to like him back. But riddler constantly picked on him for that, he had eyes on other people in Gotham.

"What are you doing here Nygma," Barbara asked as she tips Ed' chin up with her blade.

"Relax I'm just here to return a favor" He states and pushes the dagger away. "Now what is it you want me to do this time?"

"I want you to persuade Oswald into allying with us again"

"And why I do that? You know what happens between us right? We tried to kill each other and all that jazz?" He said in a sarcastic way.

"I don't remember asking for your personal reasons. You will get me Oswald. He has money and we need it. You agreed to do favors for us so you can keep your head." She says with a murderous tone in her voice.

"Fine. Just give me a couple of days" He backs away adjusting his emerald green suit.

. . .

For Ed, it took a bit to find at least one clue into where Oswald was staying. But for Riddler, it was a piece of cake.

"What do you want? I'm perfectly capable of finding Oswald on my own."

Sure, keep telling yourself that. Riddler spoke with a sharp resonance.

"I'm doing this for Lee, not Oswald!" He cries out. He turns his gaze to focus on him but he vanished.

. . .

Ed could not keep his mind off of Oswald all day. Wondering where he is, is he ok, is he thinking about me? But none of that mattered. Ed loved lee. That is all. No feeling toward Oswald.

You know that's not true

"What are you talking about?"

You know exactly what I'm talking about. I'm talking about Oswald for crying out loud, You dummy! He says as he raises his voice loud enough for Ed to react to.

"I don't love Oswald. Why would I? I'm with Lee 100%."

Yup. I bet. I don't know about you, but I think Oswald is a fine young man if I do say so myself.

"Just will You stop it! Oswald was my friend."

Yeah, until-he-fell-in-love-with-you! He sang obnoxiously, laughing along the way.

"Yeah well . . . He still meant something to me. I still loved him, AS A FRIEND!"

Ya, sure, definitely as a friend

. . .

Oswald had eyes and ears everywhere. Ed just had to obtain the right person. Once he did, the path was very clear. He surprisingly found Oswald's squat exceedingly effortless, and farther than he expected. Once he got inside, it was full of his loot. Gold, money, antiques, valuables. Which indeed Ed took to his advantage. But, no sign of Oswald.

You are really just so idiotic. I really had more faith in you, Eddie. Announced Riddler.

"Do not talk to me! I have kept you away long enough and I can do it again!" Ed yells with stress and anger in his voice.

Those pills may have kept me away. But deep down I'm always there effecting your decisions and thoughts. Every move you make I will be there to judge you and take part in them. You can't keep me away forever. Just accept the fact that I AM YOU! EDWARD NYGMA!

Ed completely lost it. Throwing a chair across the room hitting the wall and smashing into bits. Papers flying everywhere, dust all in the air. He couldn't take it anymore.

"Why do you have to do this to me?! Torture me with your words and judgment!" He looks at his reflection in a broken mirror. Sweat dripping from his forehead, dirt on his jacket. He was a complete mess.

Yes, just take a deep breath, Eddie, calm down, that will definitely keep me out of your head. Ending the conversation with a menacing laugh.

"Just shut up," Ed says with strain in his voice.

. . .

"Oswald I know your in here!" Ed calls out. After hours of searching, he came to the conclusion that Oswald was back in the city hall. Makes loads of sense, most of, if not all of his belongings were there. Edward gathers himself and opens the big black wooden doors.

"How did you find me!" Oswald Yells with confusion and rage in his voice.

"Oswald, you really think I wouldn't find you?" He says as he chuckles.

"Well considering you TIRED TO KILL ME I WOULD THINK OF YOU NOT COMING HERE!" He squawk's as he waves his hands in the air.

"Ya about that" Ed continues. "Barbara wants you to ally with her" Ed states as he walks closer to Oswald.

"Pardon me?, "WHY WOULD I DO THAT!" Oswald shouted, spinning around so his view was now looking out the big windows.

"Oswald just take it or leave it"

get closer, you know you want him

Ed walks closer to Oswald to the point where he is hovering above him.

"Oswald I- " He starts to get nervous but is not sure why. He doesn't love him. He can't love him. He loves Lee.

"What is it, Edward?" He asked as he pivots around to Ed. Their faces so close they can feel each other's breath.

Just kiss him, you moron! He insists.

"I- uh, nevermind."


"Anyhow. Edward I have thought a lot about this trying to make the right decision about this Trying to be--"

"I love you, Oswald! I can not get you out of my head." He states putting his hand up to his face and rubbing his eyes.

Oswald's face had a surprise look to it. Like he almost suspected of it.

"Ed I- I love you too. He almost whispers.

As their eyes met, Ed lifted his hand and took Oswald by the chin, lifting it up. Ed couldn't wait any longer. He slowly bent forward so their lips meet. He was warm and gentle. It felt like it could last forever. His heart was racing and it felt like he was on fire.

gee golly finally! me talking some sense into you finally got you huh?

When their lips part, Oswald was quick to make his move tackling Ed onto the couch, Snuggling up under Eds arm, and putting his arm on Ed's chest. Oswald was so cute when he slept. He often took naps in the mansion after a meeting and a long day of being mayor.

"This is Ed right?" He questions tilting his head up just enough to see Ed's face.

"Yes Oswald it's me, Ed" he chuckles, caressing Oswald's head. Savoring every moment.

"What are we gonna tell Barbara and Lee?" Oswald asked. Being curios was a trait that Ed admired very much.

"We'll think of something" Ed reassures Oswald as they drift into a deep slumber.


This is my first fic so please be nice! 💞

Part 2 coming out in a couple of days!

Thank you so much for reading this!

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