hating love (chapter 2)

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I awaken to a loud rumble and the door smacking open. Ed quickly sits up getting in front of me.

"Ed we both know you can't fight," I remark.

"Yeah but I can at least use a gun, well, sorta" he chuckles.

The doors rattles as if someone is breaking the lock. When they open, Lee Thompkins reveals herself, along with Grundy.

"What the hell are you doing Ed?!" She furiously yells.

"Uh-, um, nothing! I'm doing nothing!" I can tell he is trying his best to cover up the fact that we literally just slept together.

"How did you even find me?" Ed questions.

"I had my people follow you. I suspected he would take over at some point or another, plus Grundy was your "best friend" so he made me track You to make sure You were going to be ok"

"You think he took over? Ha! Ya, not any more Lee. Ed's gone." He says as he struts a pose. "It's me, the Riddler!"

"Fine whatever. You were supposed to come back last night! What were you even doing? Sleeping with Oswald?" She yelps.

He glanced at me with worry and fear in his eyes. I want to protect him with my life no matter the circumstances.

"Sure! I was very much sleeping with Edward. Whatever you say miss Thompkins! Oh, or should I call you the doc?" I snicker.

"Yeah very funny. Come on Ed let's go"

"That is not my name!" He backs away over to me pulling out his gun pointing it at the center of her forehead.


"Not without you"

"Lee, I said leave" He calmly says.

I have never once seen Ed so angered but so calm. so protective. Over me. The amount of times he has tried to end my life is remarkable. But this is far more fascinating.

"Fine. But you are not welcome In the narrows." She states, lowering her gun. "And Grundy's is coming with me" she pats his back leading him through the door.

"We better go find another place to stay, let's say, my father's mansion," I say, grabbing my cane from its resting place.

"That's probably a good idea, considering Barbara will be out looking for us" Ed add, interlocking arms, helping me limp my way out.

. . .

"Where's Nygma?!" Barbra squawk throwing a bottle of liquor into a wall.

"Babs calm down. He's gonna come back, just give it a little time"
Tabby says rubbing her back. "He has to or he's gonna die, you know it, and he knows it"

"No, I'm looking for him myself. Come or not tabs, he's gonna have to die" she says grabbing her golden gun, a dagger, and a load of bullets.

"Fine, I'll come. But no killing Nygma, that's my job, remember?" She asks, holding up her wrist to Babs. "Yeah, chopped off my wrist cause of that stupid librarian bitch, glad she's gone"

"Ok, let's go. Grab your whip and a gun. You never know what he has up his sleeves. "

. . .

"NYGMAAAA!" Barbra screeches pulling the trigger a couple of times. "WHERE ARE YOU!"

"How did she find us?! " I question grabbing onto him. "We left no trail"

"I- I don't know, but we need to get out of here," he says scrambling to the back door.

"Nuh uh uh. You're not going anywhere. Tabby grab him."

Tabby wraps her whip around Ed's throat yanking him to the ground, while Barbara grabs my hair pulling me back, knife to throat, I try to get out of her grasp but she is held strong.

"Hurry, grab Penguin and take him to the car!" she adds, throwing Edward to the ground, kicking him in the head with the tip of her heel.

"Good luck without your lover boy!" She taunts waving her fingers at Ed.

"Barbara wait" Ed struggles to get out. "Please don't take him, take me instead"

"Babs, why don't you take him too, make him watch Penguin suffer" tabby adds.

"Ah, yes, great idea babe," She says, kicking in in the stomach this time. "And now with that in mind, your little bird friend is going to die, and your going to watch him"

Goosebumps travel along my body. I would rather me die than to make Ed watch.

"Just kill me. Don't make Ed watch. Let me suffer on my own." I announce.


This is chapter 2!
It's a little short but I hope you like it!
Next chapter will be longer and better


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