killing for love (chapter 4)

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Oswald s pov

"Jim you don't know what your doing" I squeak following Jim Gordon at his hip.

"Yes I do Oswald. Your, what do I call him- boyfriend, killed hundreds of innocent people. And you think he did nothing?" He says opening his office door.

"Well he didn't tell me anything" I say plopping down in a leather chair. "Where is he now?"

"In the interrogation room" Jim says Turing the t.v. On focusing on Ed and Harvey.

"Why did you kill all those people!" Harvey yells pointing a finger at Ed.

"I honestly don't know what it is your talking about, please Trust me"

"Trust you? Got damn it Ed, what happened to you?"

"You wanna know what happened to me Harv? You happened. And Jim and Lee and everyone else in this building. Ignored, rejected, neglected, just thrown away like gutter trash."

"Well if I was aware of that I would have stopped" Harvey said in a weak sorrowful tone.

"Maybe if you got your nose out of your big ego than maybe you would of seen it sooner!" Ed snaps back clearly frustrated. Harvey throws his hands on the air and looks at the camera gesturing for jim to come in.

Jim doesn't say a word as he heads towards the room.

"Come on Oswald" he says not peeking an eye at me. I scurry over to him entering the cold chilly hallway. "You stay here" he says pushing me in the viewing room.

"Now Ed, I don't want to hurt you but I will if its necessary. Answer me honestly."

"Jim I swear I don't know anything about this. I didnt even know Haven existed until today" Ed says defenceless.

"I don't tolerate liars Ed. And I know you don't bluff but I find this hard to believe"

"Please no" Ed says, voice frail and raspy.

"Sorry Ed" Jim walks out grabbing my arm dragging me along with him.

"Jim don't do this too him! You don't know do what he's capable of"

"No Oswald, he's a sick cop killer who should be in arkham" Jim says, setting me down in a chair. "Wait here"

A couple of minutes pass and I'm getting worried. Could I just leave? Should I leave? No, I should wait to see the plan for Ed. Jim walks out with Ed in handcuffs, locking him up in the jail cell.

"Ed!" I yell, limp\running over to him. "Oh dear God Ed What are we going to do" I question, grabbing his shirt.

"Oswald shhh, calm down, I have a plan"

"And look how that turned out for us" I gesture around us. "being locked up doesn't look like a good plan to me"

"I admit that Wasn't the plan but that besides the point"

"Ok so whats your genius plan?" I ask.

"Ok so their gonna take me arkham, and then you are going to bust me out" he says excitingly and tense.

"You clearly didn't think this through Ed, I don't have enough bullets or men to do that, we're all out" I say.

"Yes but, most of Gotham is gone, after the bridges blew, the GCPD needs to take care of the explosion at Haven, which I didn't do"

"So your saying it's going to be an easy escape?" I ask clearly confused.

"Yes exactly that. And if that doesn't work, I can just find the buildings weak spot and get out"

"Alright Ed time to go" Jim says, pushing me out of the way unlocking the cell. He looks at me with a wild and confused expression"Oswald, why him? Why Ed? Out of all the people in Gotham, you chose the weakest man here"

"I'm right here" Ed says rising his hand, awkward express on his face.

"He treats me like a real person" I say smugly.

"And you kill real people you don't think they have friends and family?". Jim says looking back at me. I look down and stomp my foot.

"And you have too! Many times before" He looks back at Ed, pulling him out of his cell, locking it behind him.

"Can I get max security on Nygma!" Jim yells at some officers as they take Ed away from me. He looks back at me and snickers as he gets pushed out the doors.

Edward's pov

I quickly get shoved out of a van and pushed into arkham West wing. I look all around me to see inmates screaming, rocking back and forth and banging on the cell doors. So far I don't think this is going to be pleasant. I just need to wait for Oswald.

"Lets go Nygma" a guard yells as he leads me to my cell. He takes me all the way to the end of the hall and then stop. He grabs his keys and unlocks the door. I try to memorize which key is mine in case I need to escape on my own.

I take in my surrounding as its going to be my place of rest for a while. There seems to be scratches marks and dents in the wall. The past inmate didn't have a good time here did they?

"Who had this cell last?" I ask the guard just as he's leaving.

"Jerome Valeska" he says and walks away.

"Well that makes sense" I whisper under my breathe.

I was right though. Not a lot of security. An easy escape. Maybe a small bomb or some wire hacking could get me out. Although I don't know how to fight really. That might be a problem. And I don't want to raise Jim Gordon's suspicions.

Oswald's pov

I need to get Ed out stat. I know he is utterly smart and can for sure get out on his own, but it want to make it as easy as possible for him. I don't have Grundy, or a lot of men left, but I do have selina. And she might be helpful.

"Zsasz go find Selina and bring her to me" I squeak finishing my last sip of red wine.

"Yes boss"

*Time skip*

"Let me go freak!" the girl shrieks as she struggles to get out of his grip. Zsasz let's her free and she stumbles towards me.

"What do you want this time?" She asks, clearly frustrated at the fact that she can't get away.

"I need you, to break into arkham, so I can get Edward free" I say confident she will do it for me.


"I will give you 10,000 dollars and a free pass to the lounge" I state finishing off my whiskey. She seemed to think about it for a minute then made her decision.

"Fine. But I don't want to be blamed if I get caught."

"It's a deal then" slamming my shot glass down, as I shoo her out of the lounge.


Not sure when chapter 5 will be out by look forward to another story coming soon!

Hint: doctor patient


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