Chapt. 1 |:| This is how it starts...

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Betty Cooper POV 

 [Saturday morning - 7:23A.M] 

       As I was getting up, I heard a knock on my door. Natural lighting was beaming into my room- Getting off my hospital bed, I walked over to my room door and opened it. I peeked out a little bit and saw my mom holding a small bouquet of flowers, and a box of cookies.

     "Elizabeth! I didn't expect you to be up so early-" My mom smiled. "Yeah, well. I decided to get up a bit earlier so I can start my day.." I rubbed my eyes, then blinked. I moved out of the way so my mom could walk into the room. "How are you, sweetie? Do you feel alright?" My mom looked at me, then turned away to put the flowers and box down onto a small side-table. "Mom... For as long as you've been coming here, I think you know already that I'm alright." I sighed, walking over to my bed to sit down. My mom followed me and sat on the edge. "I understand, honey. But- You need to tell me if you're not feeling well..." She looked at me, a little more serious this time. "I know- I know.." I leaned over to take my small containers of pills. "Alrighty, well. I have to go now, I just came in to see how you are. And remember, if you need anything- call me. I have to catch up with some stuff at the register." My mom smiled, then got up. She walked over to the door- then blew me a kiss. As she left the room- I got up and walked over to a small counter. I put the medication in my mouth and swallowed it down with some iced-tea I had from yesterday. 

      As I looked around my room, I decided to sit down on my small sofa, and read for a while. 'Pride and Prejudice' it was called. My favorite book, as you could say. Getting comfortable- I turned my book over and reached for my nasal cannula. I put it on and continued to read.


Jughead Jones POV 

 [Saturday Morning - 8:15A.M] 

      For as long as I could remember, I've been in Riverdale MED Hospital my entire life. Not that it's a bad thing, I just wished I could leave and see the world. Throughout my lasting-teenage life, I've read many books and online articles about people seeing Paris, Japan, Sweden, California, etc. And it always seemed to be a terrific experience. Although I understood clearly I wasn't gonna be able to see anything like that, but. It was alright to dream- right? 

     I put my nasal cannula, sweater-jacket, and a pair of latex gloves on. As I planned to leave my room, I decided to take my laptop and notebook with me. Walking down the halls, I waved to a few nurses- and 2 of my doctors. As I made it to the hospital's plaza, I sat down and started to mark-off the things I did at around 6:00 in the morning. It wasn't really likely for me to start planning stuff down on pieces of blank paper- but... here we are. 

    I took out my laptop and started to type on my keyboard. I was writing a novel that I was thinking about for a while. Taking a break and resting my wrists, I saw a girl talking to an older woman in her late 40s, probably. The girl had blonde hair, a nasal cannula like mine, and seemingly had beautiful bluish-green eye color. Almost someone you'd see in a magazine or teen-drama movie that they show every now and then on television. I shut my laptop screen and put the stuff in my bag. The girl nodded to the woman and started to walk the opposite direction. She was walking past me, then glanced at me for almost a second. I got up and decided to follow her. 

 {"Five to Six feet apart"} I told myself, trying not to get too close to the girl...

Betty Cooper POV

   Once I went to the room where they kept my sister's babies, I felt like someone was following me. As I was looking at Juniper and Dagwood, a guy that seemed to be my age started to talk.   "They're cute, huh?" He said, putting his bag beside him and looking at the various babies, besides Juniper and Dagwood. "Sometimes, I wish I was a baby again. Free of friends who are lust-crazy, and don't have to worry about things around you. Or- unless you're hungry or pissing yourself..." he tried to joke, smiling. I just stood there- I didn't say anything. I was just looking at Juniper and Dagwood sleeping peacefully, along with the other infants dreaming-away... "I assume you don't talk? You're deaf, maybe? Or you just choose to ignore me?" He spoke up, turning to look at me. "Or maybe it's because I don't know you. And don't want to talk to you." I said, sternly. I adjusted my nasal cannula. As I was doing that, my nurse 'Karoline' came in. "And what ARE YOU doing here?" she said to the raven-haired boy with a crown-shaped beanie propped on top of his head. Karoline turned to me, then back at the boy. "Jughead, get back to your room!" She said, not trying to raise her voice too much, and swatting her hand at him. The boy then turned to face the door, then turned back to me. His bag now over his shoulder. "Well, there's a little name for you and your psychological profile. I'm Jughead Jones.." he stated. "And you are?" he continued- "Deaf~" I shot a look at him, then turned to put my baby-pink face mask on. 

   "Betty... Thank you for putting your mask back on." Karoline told me, her voice relieved. I noticed the boy turning back around, looking like he was about to say something else. "Betty-.." He said, in a sing-songish voice. I turned my head and looked at him. "Lighten up. It's just life-" he said, shaking his head a little. "It'll be over before you know it." He continued.  He put his black face mask on, and turned to leave the room. I watched as the raven-haired boy left. Karoline came walking beside me. "So- He's a CFer?" I questioned. "B. cepacia." she added. "Apart of a new drug trial for Cevaflomalin." She continued, and sighed. "You contract that, and you can... You can kiss the possibility of you getting new lungs a goodbye." Karoline sighed. I didn't want that to happen to me- after all the waiting throughout the years I had to give up. "There's no coming back from that bacteria." - I looked at Karoline, worry flowing through my veins. Although I already knew about this, it was just sickening to hear over-and-over again. I turned my head back to face the glass. "Stay away." she stated Afterwards, It was just me and her looking at babies. "Alright." I said. "I'm going to start heading back." Karoline nodded and followed me out the door.


I apologize that this was short! I was rushing a little bit so I can send this draft to my best friends to proof read. But- I promise ill try and make the chapters longer. lol. 

    - Mari

"If Today was your Last Day" |:| Bughead Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें