Chapt. 6 |:| My Drugged Heart

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Quick author's note: This chapter is just gonna be all of Betty. Sorry for the lack of  descriptions, thoughts, etc. Hopefully next chapter it'll be more angsty. lol. xo


Betty Cooper POV

[ The Next Day ]

       I woke up in my bed, nasal cannula still on, and still in my hospital-gown from last night. Shit. My head was throbbing. Am I high? Or drunk? Wait... Is this what being drunk feels like? I looked around. I then looked to my side of my bed and saw a blue box with a purple bow on top, and immediately opened it. That's sweet. He's sweet. I felt happy all of a sudden- probably my 'drunkness' and my inevitable love for Jug kicking in. I looked inside and saw the cover of the inside was a bunch of little hand-drawn flowers, hearts, crown-shapes beanies, and who I presume is him as a cartoon with a bunch of emotions. In the middle was a bouquet of pink and white paper flowers. Holy crap... He didn't. All that came out of my mouth was a small "Aw..." and a tiny and quiet squeal of appreciation and gratefulness. 

        I decided to record a voice-message for him because he declined my call. But. Then again- It'll be better because I'm still high on that stuff I inhaled yesterday that put me to sleep. "Hiiii~ It's me. Call me 'cause I miss you, okaaay~? But- Actually. Don't call me because I just got out of surgery and I'm like- really tired... so uh- yeah. But call me though when you get this, because you're cute- and I wanna see you. And your fluffy little locks of hair- And your lil' skinny legsss... And your adorable beanie and squishy-looking faaace... Okay? Don't call me though- Because if I hear your sexy voice, I won't be able to sleep... so- Call when you get this? Okay?  Bye~" Good Job, Betty. Your high/drunk ass should know now that he won't bother with you. Probably scared him off, now. 

         Once I slept throughout the day, and got ready- I felt better. I'm not as drunk and embarrassing as I was when I called him. Besides, the drug wears off after 12 hours, anyways. I stretched my body a little bit, getting the cramps out. I looked over to the gift he gave me yesterday, and I smiled. Maybe I'll stop by his room and thank him. I smiled to myself and headed to my bathroom. I put my hair up into my signature ponytail, applied a little bit of blush, and my favorite Vanilla-bean lip balm. Ready to roll. There's nothing that's gonna stop me now~ I texted him wth, Meet me in the Atrium. 10 min. <3

         Afterwards I walked to the Atrium and waited. I checked my phone for any new messages or calls, but. Nothing. That's when I turned and saw Kevin walked towards me. Stopping when he was 5-6 feet away. "Jughead's not coming..." He spoke out. The silence now a cluster of Whys and 'Huhs?' I nodded at Kevin, and speed-walked away. Once I arrived at his door, I knocked with my palm. A louder knock now being heard. "Jug?" I questioned. "I'm not leaving until you open this door." I added. I rested my forehead and hand on the door. "I can't." He responded. Shit, you done blew it this time, Betty. "Just please open the door and we can talk about this..." I stated, a little quieter this time. "Okay? I don't care what Karoline said. Just open the door!" I commanded. Trying to twist the knob. It was locked. "Betty. I can't." He has a hint of sadness in his voice now. "Jug. Come on..." I gave the door a little pat this time, and rested my forehead and hand on the door again. "Just go away, Betty..." He finally said. I wanted to break the barrier in between my tears and emotions at this point. 

         "Maybe it's better this way." I heard a voice behind me. I instantly knew it was Kev's. "No. I can figure this out." I responded, "I need to figure this out." I continued. "We're not normal kids. We get to take chances like this." He said, serious this time. "Oh, come on. You're not gonna give me that, too?" I turned to look at Kev. My face was red, damp, and puffy. "Admit what's going on here. Jug's a risk-taker, almost like Polly." He shot out. I gave him a dead-stare. "What's that supposed to mean? Do you think I'm the one who's afraid to take risks? What about you and your life? And your relationships?" I shot an arm out. "You and Joaquin, You and Fangs, You and Moose," I yelled. "Don't go there..." He mumbled, looking away. "Oh I could keep going. They knew you were sick and they loved you." I raised my voice a little higher this time. My blood started to feel like it was bubbling now. "You were the one who ran. Every time, you ran." I shot back at him. "You don't know what you're talking about!" He insisted. "You ruined every chance you had at love, so just keep your advice to yourself." I looked at him, and walked away- back to my room. 

&quot;If Today was your Last Day&quot; |:| Bughead FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz