Chapt. 2 |:| "Hello World!"

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Jughead Jones POV

   As I continued my walk back to my room, I was eager to search this "Betty" person up. As I arrived back at my room, I sat down at my table and opened up my laptop. I started to google up, "Betty Cooper.," The girl has a Youtube channel called, "My Daily Life." She posted a few videos of theories and opinions on murder documentaries, some art she has had her whole life, and the rest was her talking about her and CF. I found it kinda cute- In a way. Although, I wasn't crushing on this girl or anything. I just met her. And she didn't seem to like me. I clicked on a video that she posted quite recently. 

    "Hello World~!" the voice sounded quite cheerful. "Today- I'm uh. I guess I'm doing my Afflovest in a little bit, and I'm going to arrange my meds on the med cart. As you guys can see-" She turned and pointed to a metal cart with differently colored meds stacked on top. "I'm going to be going to the gym for like- 20 minutes. And I'm gonna go see Karoline and ask her for some pudding in a little while." The girl in the video giggled, and it seemed to echo. I decided to click out of the video and see if there was anything else that was interesting about her...

Betty Cooper POV

    Karoline and I came back to my room. "Alright. You have your Afflovest on?" Karoline asked me. I nodded in response and spoke up. "Oh!- And, before you turn this on. Can you give this to Kevin? He wanted me to give this notebook back." I handed Karoline a blue notebook with a bunch of colorful stickers on the front cover. "Yeah, sure honey." she nodded and set the notebook aside. "Alright, I'm ready" Karoline went to the left of me and turned on the Afflovest. I started to vibrate. I started to make funny noises that corresponded to the rhythm with the vibration and started to laugh. 

   "Alrighty, AffloVest for 30 more minutes, then you're all set." She said, adjusting something on my vest. "Need anything else before I hit the road?" She asked. "Vanilla pudding for two?" I said, trying to hold back a cough. "Oh- So what? I'm room service now?" She questioned me, then crossed her arms. "Gotta take advantage of the perks, I guess." And chuckled. And gave a small cough. Karoline laughed at the joke and watched me starting to cough more. I covered my mouth with my left arm and started to try and get the phlegm out. I then turned to get my plastic bowl and started to spit into it. "Good girl... Good girl..." Karoline cooed. "All right, good. Right." She put a hand on her hip and turned her waist slightly. "I'll see you tomorrow. Alright?" She said. "Bye Karol..." I said, continuing to cough a little more. She waved 'goodbye' and turned to my door and left. I coughed a few more times and held my bowl up to my mouth, figuring I had to spit out mucus once more.

Jughead Jones POV

   I plopped down on my bed and started watching her videos. I took my combat boots off and didn't dare to take my eyes off the screen. In all honesty, she was really... Beautiful? If that's the correct term I can describe this girl. I watched a bunch of videos that were on her channel so I could try and get to know some things about her. "Like all kids with cystic fibrosis, I was born terminal. Which doesn't necessarily mean I'm gonna die tomorrow, but I could die tomorrow. Anyone could die tomorrow. I just have a little bit less time than everyone else." I took off my right combat boot and threw it on the floor beside my bed. "My lungs are at about 50% function right now. So- at this rate, Dr. Adler says that I'll need a transplant by the time I'm a junior in High School. That'll be fun-" She sighed quietly. I took my right boot off and tossed it to the side with my other combat boot. I heard the girl laugh at what she said. In a way- I kinda felt bad on what she was going through. I understood that I have CF, but she seemed to have it WAY WORSE. 

  I continued watching her videos and I was really intrigued on some of the stuff she posted. Some of the content made me feel a bit happy and fuzzy on the inside... Moments later, video by video, I really enjoyed her videos... "Hiya, guys! Shh! Today, We're at the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) - Because I'm obsessed with babies. They're really cute- And adorable. But. The humble Karol. The beautiful Karoline is giving me permission to come in here myself now." The girl was really happy and seemed joyful. In a way, she reminds me of my sister Jellybean before she passed away at the age of 13 in a car accident, along with my Aunt. I layed down and propped up my laptop, then clicked on another one of her videos.

   "Cystic Fibrosis, as you know, is a genetic disease that basically makes my body produce a whole lot of mucus. And... Fun fact! I have to be extremely careful around other people with CF- And that the rule is that we're not allowed to get within six feet because we could end up catching each other's bacteria. And, a lot of people don't realize that new lungs generally only last for about five years, which- in all honesty, is okay. Because actually, most of us are just trying to stay alive long enough for a new treatment to come out." I smiled at the video like a weirdo, then clicked on another one. The thumbnail was of Betty in an Afflovest upside down on her hospital bed. "Just chillin' here! In my new Afflovest- Which is really cool because now I don't have to be hooked up to a wall or anything, which- obviously i'm not. Because~ I'm hanging upside down on my bed." She was giggling. And- in a way. Seemed to enjoy it. "This is actually really good-." She continued in the video. "-For getting the mucus up and stuff. I know- adorable, right?" I was looking at my screen, and I was watching her making noises, and chuckling along with the vibrations of the Afflovest. I chuckled and smirked a little bit. I kinda found it cute...

Betty Cooper POV

      A lady walked into my room with a cart. It was displaying my breakfast on top, along with some other people's breakfast on the bottom rack. "Thank you." I smiled at the woman, probably in her late 30s. She nodded and smiled back, laying the food on the small table on the side of my bed. She turned and left, pushing the cart out with her. I took the food and put it on my bed. I then removed the plastic dome that was keeping the breakfast still warm. That's when I heard my phone ringing. I picked it up and saw "Kev ^_^" in bold, displayed on the screen. I then answered. 

      "Hey, Betty!" His face was kinda close to the screen. I assumed he couldn't really see me well on his line, but- whatever. "You look a little tired and too red, you good?" He continued. "Who is this hunky guy, anyway?" He smiled. "Is it anyone I know?" He added. Kev's face lit up and began to laugh. "What'd you get?" I tried to avoid what he said and change the subject. I flipped my phone upside down to face my plate. There was eggs, potatoes, sausage, mini pancakes, and bacon. Kevin flipped his phone upside down aswell. "Hold on- Wait. What? Are those truffles? How'd you get truffles?" I questioned. Kinda confused. "Oh. Well- You have to bring them with, sister." He said in a proud-ish way. "Wow." I replied. He turned his camera to his cart beside him. "Look how awesome that food cart looks. Don't you think?" He replied, chuckling and grinning. "Wow, Kev. I'm impressed..." I replied, eating a bite of my pancake.  

   "Alright. Let us talk about me." He said over the phone, "I'm single!" I saw him jump up on his bed a little bit. I wanted to laugh, but I had food in my mouth- so I had no other choice and didn't at the moment. "You broke up with Joaquin?" I asked, picking up some of my bacon, and munching on it. "Or... Maybe he broke up with me." He responded. "Did he, seriously?" I was quite shocked- I always thought that Kevin and Joaquin were perfect for each other... "It was mutual." He responded. "Actually. No it wasn't..." He said, turning his head, probably looking out his hospital room's window for a moment. "Why? You actually seemed like you really liked him- And I thought he was gonna be the one... Y'know, since you guys were together for a while." I felt bad- But I always had a feeling that there was going to be someone out there that was perfect for him. "Well, he obviously wasn't." He responded, a tone of disappointment in his voice. Then he picked up a cup and started drinking out of it. "Screw him anyway, right?" He said, trying to cheer himself up. "Well. Atleast you could do that-" I answered back, trying to hold back my laugh. Then he spit out his beverage, and I heard him choking through the line. "Kev?-" I questioned once. "Kev?-" I answered once more, moving the covers off my legs. "KEV!" I yelled, jumping out of bed. I then arrived at his room and saw Kevin sitting on his bed. "I'm- sorry Martha.." He said, taking a few breaths. "My leg hit the call button, I apologize-" He responded. "You scared us, Kev." The lady responded, moving something out of his way.

       "Yeah- Well. Try chewing next time." I told him, a worried- but in a mad way. I crossed my arms and looked at Kev. He looked back. He then reached into one of the pockets of his shirt. "Here, Betty." Then came the middle finger. I laughed a little bit. "Yeah, Well. Enjoy your truffles, asshole." I responded, then turned to walk back to my room. "I LOVE YOU, BETTY!" I heard coming from Kevin's room. It was kinda muffled, but it was enough to hear- Even though I was a little far from his room, now. 


Author's Note:

Hello everybody! A slightly longer chapter this time. This took me quite some time, so I hope you guys enjoy. <3


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