Chapt. 4 |:| We're doing this, together.

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Betty Cooper POV

  When I made it back to my hospital room I started looking up some information on my laptop. "You have to be kidding me..." I mumbled. I shut my laptop, walked over to my window and closed the curtains. I then scurried to pack my books, papers, and pens. Moments later I crossed off some plans in my notebook. 'Dinner & Meds' was last. I sat down and tried to think. "Damn it!" I threw my bottle of pills back down and took my bag and left my room, heading to Jughead's room with my mask and latex gloves on.

    Once I arrived at his room, I knocked on his door a few times. He opened his door and gave me a stern look, I looked beside him. "Where's your med cart? And your pills? And- Why is your Afflovest on the floor? Can- Can I see your regimen?" I asked, cupping my hands together. This dude is getting on my nerves- Jesus... "Uh... Not that it's any of your business..." He turned around to a table in the back of his room and brought a paper back to me. I looked at the paper and saw colors of black, blue, and green doodles covering the page. What the hell? Why?- I sighed. "Is this... What?- Why would you..." I questioned, trying to form a proper sentence to describe what this mess was. "Is this what an aneurysm looks like?" He answered. "Why- Ugh!" I crumbled up the paper and threw it on the floor. "Wha- Hey!- Look, I get that you have some kind of save-the-world hero complex going on, but can you leave me out of it?" He questioned. I just adjusted my mask. 

      "These meds are not optional," I stated. "Yeah, well. That's probably why they keep shoving them down my throat." He added. I looked at him and threw my hands down. "You're making me crazy..." I shook, then walked away. I walked to the elevator and sensed him following after me. {"What was this guy's problem, anyways?"} I kept questioning myself. "Hey-" I heard behind me. The sounds of combat boots following. I walked into the elevator. "Betty, Hey- Come on!" His voice trying to catch my attention. I pressed a button on the elevator, then watched him walk a little closer, but the doors closed slowly. "Six feet!" I responded, lowering my mask a bit. 

Jughead Jones POV

         Once I entered the elevator and arrived at the 'NICU-' I spotted Betty looking at the babies. I entered the room and stood roughly around 5-6 feet away from her. I heard her give a trembling sigh. "I need you to follow your regimen. Strictly and completely, please."  She sighed. Then I turned and faced her. "Why don't... Why don't you tell me what's going on. Like- actually?" I questioned. It sounded like a statement- But I needed to actually see why she was so obsessed on seeing if I was doing my shit or not. "Talk to me. I'm not gonna make any jokes or laugh." I continued. I heard her scoff, and turn around a little. "I have... control issues. And- I need to know that things are in order, and I know that you're not doing your treatments- And it's really... really... messing me up." She answered. "Okay... Well then- I wanna help you." I responded in a poor way. "I do." I continued. "I don't even know how to do what you're asking me to." I continued once more. "That's bullshit! That's- Bullshit! All CFers know how to administer their own treatments. And- We're practically doctors by the time we're 12." She shot an answer back at me. I just turned my head and looked away. "Are you serious?" I shot a look at her. "Am I actually messing you up?" I continued. "Yes!" She responded with a scoff. I just nodded like an idiot. "All right- I'll help you." I responded. "But if I do," I stood there, inhaling. 

        Alright Jughead- We're gonna make this work. I'm not gonna just play her reindeer games and I don't get anything out of it. "What's in it for me, then?" I continued. I looked at her face- She looked like she was blow-a-casket and her mind would explode. "No... No- Not like-" I spit out. "I- wanna write about you." I continued. "Uh- No." She shook her head in a displeased way. "Why not? I'm serious." I stated, firmly this time. "No." She scoffed quietly in response. I nodded. "Okay- Then no deal." I turned to walk away. "You really can't practice just a little bit of discipline, even to save your own life?" I heard behind me. "Betty, Nothing is going to save our lives." I turned back around and walked towards her a little bit. "We're breathing barrowed air. Enjoy it-" I shot back at her. I then turned back around and left the room. 

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