Chapt. 7 |:| Stone Cold

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Author's Note: I apologize with started off with Betty this chapter! I promise there will be a Jughead POV. Sorry loves. xo 


Betty Cooper POV

         I was woken up in bed by the sounds of yelling and scrambling. "What the hell?" I got up and peeked outside. When I noticed everybody was rushing to Kevin's room, I panicked. I ran out of my room and looked through the doorway of Kev's room. "What's happening?!" I yelled. "Karol! What's happening?" I questioned. People were on the floor, doing chest compressions, and chattering. No, No. He can't die... "Somebody get her out of here! Close that door!" Karoline yelled. "Karol, What's happening?!" I said finally. I covered my mouth to avoid breaking out into tears, but it wasn't working... Nothing was at this point. I walked over to a metal bar and leaned myself on it. Dr. Indira walked past, going to Kevin's room. "Doctor Indira?" I asked, walking up to her. "Not now, Elizabeth." She said, running to the room. When she went in the room, And I looked inside.

       Kevin Keller. My former best friend, dead- On the floor. No breathing, no movements. Nothing. Just a pale body lying limp on the ground.

           "No!" I cried out. "N-No!" I stuttered out. Hiccups were forming. I covered my mouth to try and stop it. Again, Nothing was working. Not even the sound of my  own tears... "I'm so sorry..." Karoline said, holding Kevin's hand. I just witnessed someone die. I sobbed and walked back to my room. "No!" I said. It felt like a storm was being stirred up in my stomach, and i'd have to vomit- eventually. Jug came running into my room. He wasn't crying. I'm not surprised though. "Oh, My, God!" I sobbed out. I sat on the edge of my bed, and was still crying my eyes out. "Oh my God! He's... gone!" I cried out. My face was red, puffy, and drenched with my salty tears. I couldn't stop it. It was like a waterfall. "Joaquin's never gonna see him again!" I pointed out. "I'm never gonna see him again!" I realized. My voice was scratchy now. Hell. "I never hugged him!" I cradled myself in the palm of my hands. "I never hugged him!" I repeated, trying to calm myself. "He's my best friend and I never FUCKING hugged him!" I blurted out. Wowzers, Betty. The first time you said the F word. "Oh God!" I said, pacing in little circles. "I'm losing everyone..." I said. "You're not losing me..." He walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "W-What are you doing?!" I said, getting up and swatting his hand away. He backed up then. I assumed he realized what he just did. "Get out!" I yelled. "I'm sorry..." He said, faintly. "Get out, Get out!" I said, rushing to the door to close it. 

             I put my hands on my head and started sobbing again. I walked around and started pushing stuff off my tables, I ripped down the art and posters on my board, I threw my books on the floor, Hell. I even picked up the glass jar of truffles Kevin gave me and threw it at the wall. That's when I realized what I did. My tears started coming down again. I dropped on my knees, avoiding the tiny shards of glass that were covering the floor. I picked up a semi-large shard of glass that had the 'truffles' company printed on. This was one of the last things I got from him, and I broke it. I picked up the scattered truffles off the floor, and put them in the palm of my hand. I looked at the truffles, then closed my hands together and held them up to my heart. I put them somewhere and picked up the photo that we took at Jug's birthday. Kevin in the front, everybody in the back- smiling. I was miserable... I looked at the photo of me and my sister, then at the art-piece she gave me. 

            I got up and walked over to the window. I saw the snow and lights of the town glistening upon the hospital. I decided to change into my winter clothes and walk outside. When I made it outside, I looked through and window and saw Jug sitting in a chair. He looked exhausted. And upset. Yeah, the 'upset' part is my fault. I walked up to the window and knocked on it. Then I put my palm on the glass to retrieve his attention. That's when I noticed he started getting up and putting his palm where mine was. Cute. He looked upset... I took my palm off the window and walked away. I waited at the sliding doors for him to come out. That's when he did. Crown-beanie standing proudly on his head, a faux-fur collared jacket, jeans, a grey shirt, nasal-cannula, and boots. He made a breathing noise to express that it was brisky-and-cold out. He walked up to me, and I started talking. "I wanna go see the slides." I stated, simply. "It's gotta be, like, two miles away-" He said. "Hey, come on. Lets go inside..." He said. "No. I'm going. Come with me." I insisted. "Betty, now's not the time to be rebellious. Is this about Kevin?" He asked. "Yes. It is about Kevin. It's about Polly. It's about you and me- and all the things we'll never get to do together. This whole time i've been living for my treatments instead of doing my treatments so that I can live." I paced in a small line. "I wanna live." I shot my arms out. I turned around to start walking the opposite way. "It's just life, Jug. It'll be over before we know it." I stated, mocking him from weeks ago. I heard him walking behind me. "All right..." He finally said. 'Can we catch a cab at least?" He said, his voice becoming more louder as he walks closer. "I wanna walk, and enjoy the night." I stated. I held my hand out and grabbed his hand. He pulled back a little bit. "Glove, we're good." I reminded. Walking a little faster, now. 

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