Stick Around Zack

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 Beep Beep Beep

The alarm~ 

I  don't want to get up- 

Not yet.... 

Steven Tossed and turned in his bed gripping the sheets until his slumber came to an abrupt stop. The blonde shot up with disheveled hair flying into his face. 

"Thank god, It was just a nightmare-" He said rubbing his face, then got out of bed and slammed his hand on his alarm clock. "Shut the F*** up!" He screamed, groggily walking to the bathroom and washing his face. After washing his face Steven placed in his piercings and looked in the mirror for any blemishes and noticed his eyes were a bright shade of lime. He gawked in vain at how pretty his eyes were. "Looking good again..." Yeah to sit at the hospital all day. he thought to himself.  "Speaking of hospital-" Steven checked the time proceeding to mumble curses under his breath as he got dressed in a gray shirt, red flannel, a black leather jacket, and to top it all off he wore black ripped skinny jeans. He laced up his black Tim's and he looked at himself in the mirror one last time "Looking great again Steven" He sighed with a fake almost dry tone in his voice trying to build himself up for the day. Steven ran out into the kitchen and quickly grabbed the flowers off the table. "You look like a serial rapist-" A familiar old voice said. "Whatever grandma you look like the golden girls except they didn't do meth for 60 years-" They both laughed and the blind old lady continued to brew tea. Steven didn't know weather he should be concerned that the fire wasn't on or that she was trying to brew the whole tea box. "Give him a kiss for me." She said in a soft voice. "Alright."  Either way the blonde knew he had to get going so he dashed out the door and down to the parking garage. 

Steven put the flowers in the small compartment on his motorcycle. 

He couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. 

Very Closely. 

Before Steven could even react a tall shadowy figure was in front of him. He felt  a cold metal object pierce hid skin. 


He was surrounded by warm red fluid. Did I just get stabbed. Steven was in shock he stood there aloof, His vision was getting blurry as he collapsed to the ground, the figure escaped on his motorcycle. 

Sooner or later the EMT's and paramedics arrived. 

At the hospital with Zack

Zack was your typical nerd high school student, He loved books and he enjoyed studying. He Is honestly the sweetest person you could meet.  Steven and Zack met back in freshman year. Steven was a bad boy bound to get kicked out of school for his terrible grades and Zack just happened to be the perfect advocate to teach him how to pull them up. 

Zack and Steven fell in love around sophomore year, He was charming and clever, he had a sweet side he only let Zack have a taste of. Zack was every bit of structure Steven needed in his life. they were polar opposites but they brought something to the table that the other did not. Their love was strong and not your stereotypical ROM-COM strong, They understood each other, they connected at the soul the basis which gave them both life. They shared the same dreams. 

The beginning of senior year Zack was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer, this was the start of Stevens world beginning to crumble before his eyes. Everyday Steven would visit Him at the hospital, he'd bring him flowers and the small ice cream balls he used to like. Today Steven was going to surprise him with something different like coffee. Today was supposed to be the last day, the day Stevens world would come crashing to a hault. 


Zack coughed, "He isn't here yet.." He said in a weary voice looking at the clock. Zack was barely breathing, He was having a hard time catching his breath. It was worse than before and it proceeded to get more and more erratic. Where Is Steven... Is this how I'm gonna go out? No think happy thoughts Zack...When me and Steven met he- The brunette tried to calm himself and  think of positive things. 

In the ICU with Steven

Steven shot awake, he immediately sat up in the bed. He was dazed and confused about what happened. The blonde overheard the nurses talk about what happened. "I was stabbed and robbed, Huh.?" He asked one of the nurses that came in to clean up some of the bloody sheets. "Yeah you're stitched up and should be ready to go in the next two days." she paused and smiled like she had good news. "They found your bike." He frowned "It doesn't matter I wont need it... Wait did you say TWO DAYS, I DON"T HAVE TWO DAYS!!" He jumped up and started detaching himself from the machines as the nurse became frantic. "HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!" Steven dashed out the door yelling curses. He dashed down the hallway and made his way to the RED ZONE where he was being held. As he approached the unit he heard loud beeping from a room on the same side as Zack's. Please Zack not you.. not yet... I didn't get to say goodbye. Steven rushed in and saw a cold, pale, expressionless Zack. He stood there and watched everyone the nurses, his screaming mother and sister, the doctor...Everyone. Stevens mind was blank the only thought that passed through his head was the word he mumbled "no-". He walked without emotion, without a single word, he got up on the windowsill of Room 8 and jumped all 12 stories down. 

"Thank you Zack you were my everything, But I refuse to live in a world without you" 

Authors Note: I don't know if this is good or not but I tired really hard and I'm very exhausted. I'm just proud of myself for finishing it so- Thank you for reading don't forget to leave a comment. 

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