All I've Got

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-This story takes place in a futuristic setting. When you die you become reincarnated as a human. You remember your past life and remember your identity but are unable to speak about your past. You can be reincarnated as any age. Life is a privalage in this society, When you are taken from life if it's by laws of nature than you are given a new life, but if your life is wasted you are given no second chance and someone takes your body.

Her name was Emma, my lover. She had was 5'2", fair skinned and had the most beautiful golden hair that was almost brighter than the sun, earning the name 'Sunshine.'Sunshine the name lingered in my mind almost as if I hadn't ever heard the name before. It was  bitter sweet now. Sunshine. The name brought tears to my eyes. I covered my mouth and looked down at my midterm to try and stop myself from exploding with emotion. Chemistry. It was a hard class, I was most certain if fail this semester-


Before I could finish my train of thought I was interrupted with a obnoxious banter and bustling of chairs and feet. I was the last one to leave class, it seemed to be a pattern for the last five days. Five days. Five days, it's really been five days.
My mind lingered again to the thought of Emma's funeral. It is still hard to wrap my mind around her passing. I wasn't in denial, just in shock. It was so sudden, she was so young, smart too. It wasn't rare to find her in the schools library studying or reading a book. I mean who reads a book for fun. I eventually day dreamed my way all the way to my next class. English. This was Emma's Favorite class. I continued to daydream not only about my sweet lover but of still having her in my arms. I thought about who she might have been reincarnated as, or where in the world she might be. Who would she end up with. It bothered me.

I was washed out of my daydream, as the tide of cold weather whooshed into my face from the door opening. The gust of air brought down some fall themed posters.

It was a new girl. The reason why I knew that was because this was a small town. Everyone knew everyone and their cousin. She looked new as well, new to this earth that's for sure. I mean come on, the poor thing dressed like Rachel Berry from Glee.

The teacher Introduced her as "Hope Jenson" she announced and everyone greeted in a monotone bore. Hope. It was a beautiful name, but she had a staring issue.

"Is there something on my face?" I said as she sat down next to me in a very tedious mannor.

"Uh, no ma'am.." Hope said frantically.

That voice... That tone...

I turned away, and I furrowed my eyebrows. I rested my head on my hand and refused to make eye contact.

"I'm sorry Josie did I say somthing wrong." Hope said charismatically.

"...Emma?" I looked over at her, tears brimmed my eyes.

She smiled.

I knew.

It was meant to be.

"Don't ever leave me again, pinky promise?" We crossed our pinky's and continued class slyly flirting with eachother.

Everything I've lost but, she's all I've got.

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