Dear Raina, I still love you

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  Mya fluffed her curls in the mirror, "Senior year huh?" She fake smiled and joined the giggling group of girls in the corner of the bathroom. Her best friends somehow could never fill the gap that Raina left in her heart. Mya never stopped thinking about her, there wasn't a day that went by where the simplest things didn't remind her of the golden Blondie.

The sun, bright as her smile
The moon, glows like her skin
The roses, smell just like her

Mya tried not to think about it as she blindly made her way to her locker
  "Mya?" A familiar, husk voice whispered down her neck.
"Calv-" Her real best friend had pulled her into a nearby broom closet and slammed the door shut.
"Cal-" she started but was immediately cut off.
"Girl, whisper-" he started to say "Did you hear? She's back-"

Mya was in utter shock, she had no words. Mya immediately darted out of the closet and down the hallway.

What am I going to say, it's been three years.

Mya didn't care anymore, she missed Raina. More than anything. She couldn't count the times that she sat out in her car eating lunch hoping to see her walking into school then crying when she realized it wasn't happening.

The brunette ran down the stairs and there she was. Raina looked as beautiful as ever, her hair was longer, she was wearing makeup now and her baby blue dress brought out her lovely ocean blue eyes. Her smile was upmost extravagant, no price in the world could compare to the sight of her joy.

Mya slowly approched Raina, "Like the new look, tryna impress me or what?" Mya tried keeping her composure because she had mixed feelings about her 'girlfriend' coming back so abruptly. Raina ignored Mya completely. Mya tried putting her hand on the side of her face, but the blonde quickly smacked away her hand and dashed off. Mya wanted to scream with everything she had, she wanted to get angry, she wanted to cry, it was hard enough dealing with her not coming back and now that she is...

Before Mya can complete her thoughts the bell for first period rang.

Raina continued to ignore Mya for weeks on end. It seemed like it would never stop. Mya tried getting her attention with notes, presents and verbal attempts. Eventually Mya started to give up.

Rally day
Mya is student body president, her duty for pep rallys is to make announcements and give motivation to the students.
Mya dreaded this day the most, ironically she wasn't very motivated herself.

Mya trudged through the hallways, she stared at the floor as she walked. All of the sudden she bumped into a slender figure. She smiled and looked up ready to apologise. When she found herself looking right info Raina's Shimmering eyes.
Mya was going to apologise when The blonde spoke up "Look, I know your trying really hard, but I have given my life to Christ, I don't think we should be together." She stated in the most monotone voice.

The brunette collapsed to her knees. It hurt, it hurt her so much. It felt like she was stabbed in the eyes and lemon juice was sprayed into the cuts.

Mya held it together, she made her way to the assembly and up to the podeum. She thought for a moment but only one thing was on her mind.

"AHEM! I'm Mya Coran, some of you may know me as the student body president, some may know me and friend, some may know me as a past lover." Everyone gasped, and Mya sighed. "Yes her name was Raina. I was crazy in love with her, but I messed up and I miss her. She was my everything and I don't care if you hate on her or me but I love you Raina and no matter how much you push me away I'll still love you."

There was a long pause and soon a figure sprouted up, and ran twords the podeum comically coming from blur to Mya's field of vision.

"Mya!!" Raina jumped into the curly headed girls arms.

Mya and Raina giggled and laid on the floor together.

Sometimes Its hard to come to terms with who you are until you find someone you love that will love and support you no matter what you decide to be.

Hey cuties!! I apologise if it seemed rushed and not so long because I'm on vacation rn but I hope you enjoyed babes, much love!!💕❤️

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