Some Thoughts & New Platforms to Check Out

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Note: This was written maybe two weeks ago? I'm publishing it now because I made up my mind on whether it was too personal or not. Bring a snack, your intelligence, and buckle up. It's a bit of a long one, but I think it's pretty eye opening because not many people are having conversations about these things. Thanks!

Disclaimer: This, in no way, was meant to undermine the struggle that African-Americans are going through at the moment. This is just a discussion that was started during Asian-American Pacific Heritage month, something I watched and typed up before the George Floyd protests started. Black lives matter, and this isn't meant to take away from that by any means. These are just thoughts on part of my identity. They're meant to spark some thoughts, yes. Please comment while reading. x

Hi! I thought I'd pop in, because it's kind of been a while since I've done anything in this account (not that long, but it feels like it) and I wanted to just chat a little bit as well as let you guys know what I've been up to.

During quarantine, I've honestly been chilling. I've had school as usual (virtually), but I'll be done with this school year really soon, which I can't wait for. I'm lucky enough to have been in a very good position as far as school goes. I've also been lucky enough to have parents whose jobs are still supported during this crazy time. If you're reading this, I really, really hope that you're doing okay. I know some people haven't gotten nearly as lucky as me. Let me know in the comments. Rants, storytimes, anything you'd like to say. I'd love to talk if you want.

This is a scary time, but I've been using it to work on myself and what I want to do more than anything, I think. Recently I got into decluttering, which is not only such a good habit to have, but is also so satisfying. What better time than quarantine to figure out what you actually want in your house and what not, right? I've been trying to transfer to a more minimalistic mindset as far as living goes, in general. I live in the United States, as most of you probably know, and consumer culture is honestly a huge problem in my country. People don't understand how much their money influences what happens. I've been more aware recently that I vote with my money, which means that I should try to make more informed, sustainable, ethical, and local purchases so that I'm not supporting a company that doesn't pay their workers minimum wage or creates a lot of clothing waste. I think it's so important that we are aware of what we support.

I've been trying to read more, lately. I've been going through a poetry phase and trying to finish Bad Feminist by Roxanne Gay, which so far has brought up all sorts of interesting ideas that I'd like to think about more in depth. I really recommend it, if you're interested at all in gender equality or feminism. Roxanne Gay has some interesting thoughts to share.

The thing I'm most proud of is either the amount of writing I've been doing or the consistent workout schedule I've upkept.

I've found that going outside keeps me grounded and helps me let out any pent-up stress. Overall, I think walks and exercising are really underrated. I'm not saying that anyone needs to run a marathon or anything, but it's so important to get outside. Even if you run the slowest mile there ever was, it's still a mile, y'know? If you suck at working out but want to start, or you hate it (I hate it), I highly recommend either searching up workouts on YouTube (there's this one YouTuber that makes workouts in time to pop music) or using the 7 minute workout app. It's much easier once you start, believe me. I've never had a workout schedule before. I'm an athlete, but not one that's super hardcore about it, if that makes sense. I haven't really upkept my body year round, only getting in shape for every sports season. Remember when I said I was going to work on myself more earlier? Yeah, well, I've been treating my body well. I've tried to stretch, take walks, limit my time online, self-reflect, and stay sane.

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