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On July 25, 2019, the four detectives of Matthew Club received a call from Mr. Salvatore seeking help for his missing last-will and testament and some important documents and details on his big law firm. But upon searching those documents, the detectives discover something bigger than what they have expected.


Bard S. Wayne- An intelligent, feisty and straightforward detective who graduated at Mary Keller University who now works as Private Detective in Matthew Club. Before he became a detective, he worked as a Public Defender's Office Investigator in New York.

Eric L. Giles- A brilliant, diplomatic yet enigmatic detective who graduated at Queen Mary College in London who now works also as a Private Detective in Matthew Club. Before he became a detective, he once work as a Police Officer in Manhattan High District.

Destine S. Vorkova - A keen, humorous yet a flirt detective who graduated with Bard at Mary Keller University who now also works as a Private Detective at Matthew Club. Before he became a detective, he also worked as a Public Defender's Office Investigator in New York together with Bard.

Frea L. Smith- A sharp, soft-hearted yet mysterious female detective who graduated at Michigan University in Michigan who now works as a Private Detective. Before she went to Matthew Club, she once worked as a Lab Examiner in Matthew Forensic Laboratory.

Atty. Conrad Salvatore- A well-known and wealthy lawyer who owns a law firm and a business.

Sarah Salvatore- A gorgeous, shopaholic and sarcastic wife of Mr. Salvatore

Josephine and Joseph- Daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore.

Mrs. Jessica Layug- A sophisticated yet an emotional corporate woman who was betrayed by her shareholders in the corporate world. She is one of the partners of Mr. Salvatore in business.

Mrs. Queen Soledad- A feisty, hot-headed yet one of the most powerful women in the corporate world who dominated the whole country because of her wits passion in her business. She is also one of the partners of Mr. Salvatore in business.

Inspector Bags and Inspector Mark

Pam and Joy- helpers of the Salvatore Family.

Paul- The Chief Medical Examiner of Matthew Forensic Laboratory.

Grace-The Lab Chief of Matthew Forensic Laboratory.

Alex- One of the technicians of Matthew Electronics Laboratory.

Setting: Matthew Club Headquarters in New York.

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