Chapter VIII

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        After the 30-minute power nap of Bard and Destine, they continued to fix the timeline of the events as they will file it for future purposes. While fixing the timeline, Eric and Frea went inside the room immediately.

Eric: “Hey, guys! I have the report now!” He uttered with great excitement.

Bard: “So shall we call all the suspects?” He asked while finishing the timeline.

Eric: “Yup! Call all our suspects and the family members!”

Destine: “Inspector Bags, kindly pick Mrs. Layug and Mrs. Soledad.” He instructed.

Inspector Bags: “Sure, Sir!” He replied and went to the cell.

Frea: “I called the Salvatore Family. They will be here sooner.”

           While waiting for the suspects, Bard went to his drawer to look for the drug business document that can be used on detaining Mrs. Layug and Mrs. Soledad while waiting for their trial. He kept searching the document for 5 minutes yet he can’t find it.

Bard: “Hey, guys! Have you seen the drug business document I kept here in my drawer?” He asked while looking his drawer.

Eric: “Don’t tell me it is missing? You can’t miss that! That is a big evidence for Mrs. Layug and Mrs. Soledad!” Looking him seriously.

Bard: “This can’t be! I just put it here in my drawer!” He said with frustration.

Destine: “Check it very well, it might be misplaced.” He suggested.

Bard: “It is really missing!” He said then slammed the table.

Frea: “We cannot detain them if the document is missing.”

Bard: “Even they had admitted that they are part of it? He asked angrily.

Eric: “Yes, Bard. We need pieces of evidence to do that. We cannot put them to jail or cell without evidence.” He replied while reviewing the report.

Bard: “Fuck this!” He said angrily.

Inspector Bags: “Kindly take your seats there, Mrs. Layug and Mrs. Soledad.” He pointed the seats in the long table.

Mrs Soledad: “What are we going to do here? Play mahjong or stuffs?”

Destine: “Welcome to the final stage of the case.”

Mrs. Layug: “Have you found the killer?” She asked.

Eric: “Yes, we have enough evidence to prove someone guilty.” He said with confidence

Mrs. Soledad: “Well and good! I am excited to go out here in this fucking office.”

Bard: “You are lucky that the document is missing. Once I have found the document, I will put you two in jail.” He warned.

Inspector Mark: “The Salvatore Family is here, Sir.”  Then the family appeared.

Bard: “You may take your seats together with Mrs. Layug and Mrs. Soledad.” Pointing out the chairs on the long table.

Sarah: “Who are these girls? Don’t tell me they were his business partners?” She asked.

Mrs. Soledad: “Yes! We were his partners.” He proudly exclaimed.

Sarah: “How dare you putting him in your dangerous business?!” She asked angrily.

Mrs. Layug: “Excuse me?! It is your husband who owns the business not us. We are only his business partners.” She corrected.

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