Chapter IX

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July 25, 2020 8:30 a.m. at the Silver Memorial Cemetery

Bard: “Time flies so fast. I still can’t believe that he was murdered by his wife.”

Destine: “Babe, don’t think that much. It is already over. The court already pronounced Sarah guilty. We have to move on.” He said and lit a candle for Mr. Salvatore.

Bard: “Well, I find it unusual that someone you love has the intentions of killing you. That is scary.” Expressing his fear.

Destine: “It is not love at all if you have the intentions of killing someone.” He pointed.

Bard: “Hopefully, Mr. Salvatore is now happy as we gave him justice to his death.” As he looked up in the skies.

Destine: “He is surely happy, I swear.”

Bard: “Case closed.”

Destine: “Case closed it is.”

At someone’s house

Someone: “Have you cleared all the pieces of evidence?”

Someone: “Of course! Do not worry that much!”

Someone: “Good! At least we will live peacefully without thinking those evidence.”

Someone: “What shall we do next?”

Someone: “I don’t have plans yet. I will tell you soon once I have plans.”

Someone: “How about the last will and testament of Mr. Salvatore?”

Someone: “Don’t worry! I asked one of my skeletons to look for it.”

Someone: “Who are your skeletons?”


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