Chapter II

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July 25, 2019 11:00 a.m.

Frea: “This can’t be true. He is still fine when he called us.” She said as they saw the dead body of Mr. Salvatore lying in the couple’s bedroom.

Bard: “We have a new mission, guys. We should look whether it is a murder or not.” He said assertively.

Destine: “We should call the police now.” He suggested.

Eric: “No. I agree with Bard. We should look first whether he was murdered or not.” He rebutted.

Sarah: “What happened here? Honey?!” She exclaimed shockingly.
  She went immediately on his husband’s body and cried aloud. She can’t believe on what she saw.

Sarah: “This is not happening. This is not happening.” She said as her arms and legs started to tremble.

Frea: “Ma’am, we need to clear the scene first so that we may check what happened here.” She said.

Sarah: “But he is my husband! I cannot leave him.” She cried.

Frea: “But you have to leave the scene, Ma’am!” She commanded.

Bard: “Frea, please accompany Mrs. Salvatore. We can handle this.” He suggested.
  Frea nodded on Bard’s suggestion. She convinced Sarah to leave with her and this time she agreed. Before leaving, Sarah checked the entire room suspiciously.

Bard: “I will check his body.” He volunteered.
While checking the body, Bard found a dart on Mr. Salvatore’s neck. He also found the linen of his bed covered with vomit.

Bard: “This could be a murder.”

Eric: “How did you say so?” He asked.

Bard: “He was poisoned by a dart covered with toxic liquid.” He replied.

Destine: “If it was a dart that killed him, so the killer knows how to play a dart?”

Bard: “Possible yet I am not sure.” He said
Suddenly, the investigation was stopped when someone calls on Eric’s phone.

Eric: “I will leave you for a while.” He leaves and answers the phone immediately.

Destine: “So what shall we do, babe?” He asked.

Bard: “Call the police now so that they can perform a thorough autopsy.” He commanded.

Destine: “Okay, babe.”

Bard: “Stop calling me babe or else I will punch you.” He threatens him.

Destine: “You just want me to stop calling you babe because you found someone else.” Then he suddenly leaves.
Bard is confused but he decided to continue his investigation. He started looking the drawers and cabinets, thoroughly. After a 5-minute search, he found nothing special. Suddenly, Destine and Eric appeared in the office.

Destine: “The officers are here. They will get his body.”

Bard: “Good morning, Sir! You may now pick the body. Just give us the autopsy report immediately.”
  The police officers get the body of the deceased lawyer, Mr. Salvatore. While getting his body, Eric asked Bard.

Eric: “Have you found something special?”

Bard: “The murderer really left the scene clean.”

Eric: “He or she is an expert I guess.”

Bard: “I guess so.” He said.

Eric: “Let us interrogate Mrs. Salvatore, first.” He suggested.
The 3 detectives went immediately in the living room to interrogate Mrs. Salvatore. While walking, Bard, the most intelligent in the team, found the case bizarre than the other cases they handled before. There’s no evidence in the crime scenes which is vital on catching a culprit.

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