Chapter VII

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August 1, 2019 8:45 a.m.
In the Matthew’s Headquarters
           Several days passed when Eric submitted the bottled poison to Grace, the Lab Chief of the Matthew Forensic Laboratory. The data of the bottled poison is not yet available due to too much work being given to Grace from other group of detectives. But according to Grace, within this week, the report on the bottled poison will be delivered through email.

Eric: “Several days had passed yet the report is not available.” He said with frustration.

Bard: “We have to wait, Eric. I feel like the report will be available within this day.” He said while drinking his hot cocoa.

Destine: “I think we should check the timeline first.” He suggested.

Frea: “I agree with Destine. We need to make some possible scenarios and timeline on how this murder happened.” Agreeing with Destine.

Bard: “Let us start the discussion.” Sighed heavily. “We found Mr. Salvatore dead at exactly 11:00 a.m. in the morning.” Opening the discussion.

Eric: “According to the Lab Examiner, Mr. Salvatore died due to a pointed dart filled with poison.” He said.

Frea: “So let us start with our suspects. According to Mrs. Sarah, she went out with her friends at the time of the murder.” She narrated.

Eric: “Before I forgot. I forgot to mention to you that the coroner said that Mr. Salvatore died at 10 a.m. in the morning.”

Bard: “Therefore it is possible that one of the persons that Mr. Salvatore met on that day is the killer.” He said while analyzing the possible scenarios.

Destine: “Let us start with Mrs. Sarah. Mrs. Sarah mentioned that she left their home at 8:00 a.m. to meet her friends. After she met her friends, she went home at 10:00 a.m., the time when we arrived in their house.” He narrated.

Bard: “Though we met her at the time she arrived, there’s a big possibility that she is the killer.” He suggested while drinking his hot cocoa.

Destine: “How did you say so?” He asked and looking him curiously.

Bard: “Let us not forget that she threatened Mr. Salvatore the day before he was murdered. It is possible that she lied to us about what she was doing that time to cover her crime. And also, because she knew the mistress matter, she was in rage that time.”

Eric: “Then how come we met her outside their gates?” He asked.

Bard: “As we all know, poison takes time to cover all the veins in the body. It is possible that before she went outside with her friends, she injected the dart on Mr. Salvator while he was asleep.” Explaining the possible scenario.

Frea: “But the loophole on that scenario was the visitation of Mrs. Layug and Mrs. Soledad in their home at exactly 8:00 a.m. same time when Mrs. Sarah left the house. If he was asleep that time and the poison spread throughout his body, he will not entertain his visitors as his body and his organs were not working due to poison.”

Eric: “So it is possible that he was killed by either Mrs. Layug and Mrs. Soledad.”

Frea: “It seems that they are not the possible killers.”

Destine: “Why do you say so?” He asked.

Frea: “Well, if we put ourselves on the murderer’s persception, it is hard to kill someone if there are many members in a room and also if you are busy with your discussions.”

Bard: “Maybe it was both of them who killed him.” He suggested.

Destine: “That’s impossible, Bard. Both of them are greedy women. If they really want his money, therefore the killer will kill her partners.”

Eric: “I agree with, Destine. If the killer wants his money, therefore she killed her partners in drug business and run away. What about Joseph and Josephine?”

Bard: “I find Josephine mysterious. Remember when she lied to us on getting home with her parents?” Sipping once again his hot cocoa.

Frea: “Maybe she is the killer?”

Destine: “That is possible because we have learned that they have a verbal talkathon between her and her parents.”

Bard: “What about Joseph?” He asked.

Eric: “For me he is one of our biggest suspects. Even though he has this flirtious and funny personality, he could possibly kill a person.”

Destine: “How possible is that?” He asked.

Frea: “Multiple Personality. He acts depending on someone’s personality.”

Eric: “That’s right” He raised his thumb. “It is possible that Joseph tries to play with us with his personality.”

Destine: “How about the maids?”

Bard: “We shouldn't doubt them, babe. They are always busy with their work.”

Frea: “I agree with, Bard.”

Eric: “At least we have prepared the possible scenarios. Let us take a break first. My brain is already overload with information” He said and ended the discussion.

Frea: “I just have to smoke outside.” Getting cigarettes in her pocket.

Eric: “Me too, I need to take cigarettes, first. Would you want to? He asked.

Bard: “No, thanks. I have to rest for a bit.”

Destine: “I will take a rest too.”

Eric: “See you later, I guess.” Then he left.

Bard: “I’ll take a nap first, babe.” He said and yawned.

Destine: “Sure. I will do the same too.”

Then both of them took a nap.

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