Chapter I

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July 25, 2019 6:28 a.m.

         It was still dark that time when the Matthew Club; one of the greatest group of detectives in the world, heard their cellular phone ringing loudly in their headquarters. The phone kept ringing for at least 45 seconds already yet no one wants to volunteer to answer. Bard, who is known as intelligent yet a frank and sarcastic detective, yelled his fellow members due to the disturbing phone call.

Bard: “What are you doing?! Are you waiting the ghost to answer that fuvking call?!” While sipping his hot chocolate made by Destine.

After hearing those scorching hot words from Bard, finally Frea answer the call.

Frea: “Fine! I’ll answer the call! So hot-headed person.”

Frea secretly rolled her eyes to Bard and quickly went to their headquarters room to answer the call.

Frea: “Hello? Good morning! This is Frea of the Matthew Club. How may I help you?”

Mr. Salvatore: “Good morning, Frea! This is Mr. Conrad Salvatore of Salvatore’s Firm. Still remember me?”

Frea: “Oh?! Mr. Salvatore! Of course, I still remember you!” She proudly responded. “You asked for help that time to look for your stolen documents in your firm. How are you? Do you need help again, Attorney Salvatore?”

Mr. Salvatore: “Yes, Frea. Uhm… my printed and signed copy of last-will and testament went missing since last week. As far as I could remember, I kept that copy in my lower drawer of my table in my home; specifically in my mini office.”

Frea: “Is that all, Atty?” Then she sipped a bit of her tea.

Mr. Salvatore: “Nope. Help me also to look for my folder. My folder contains different confidential cases that I need to study for at least half a week. You just have to look at it also in my mini office. I am already tired looking for it. I hope you will help me.”

Frea: “No problem, Atty! Just send me your home address and we will be there soon!”

Mr. Salvatore: “Gracias! I’ll send our home address right away.”

Frea dropped the phone in the table and went immediately to her co-detectives to inform them about the call.

Eric: “What’s the call all about?” He asked while he is reading the newspaper.

Frea: “Mr. Salvatore wants us to look for his missing last-will and testament and his folder containing various confidential cases.” She replied while she is waiting the text message from
Mr. Salvatore.

Bard: “What the heck?! That old man wants our help again for his missing documents?” He grumpily asked.

Frea: “Yup.” She immediately answered.

Bard: “We are detectives right? Not lost and found or whatsoever right?” He sarcastically asked while fixing his eyeglasses

Eric: “We have to help him, Bard. We shouldn’t forget that he helped us to have this job.” As he looked at him.

Bard: “Well, Eric, I am glad that he helped us to have jobs but what the f?! That’s too much! We are crime solvers not his lost and found buddy.”

Bard rolled his eyes and sighed about their discussion. After a couple of minutes, Frea already received the message that she needs.

Frea: “Let’s go, guys!” She joyfully exclaimed..

Bard: “And where are we going?” He asked as he raises his right eyebrow.

Frea: “We have to search his missing documents.”

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