.1. Dear Everyone,

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So, this is a "diary" for all those rough days we all have. The following sections {which are labelled 'Dear Diary'} are short exerts of things that have been troubling one of my friends or myself. The sections that are labelled 'Dear Everyone' are similar to A/N (author notes) so feel free to just skip over them if you wish, I will try not to write to many of these!

Anyway, I just want to say Congratulations! These last couple of months have been chaotic so I just want to acknowledge (especially those in Australia) those who:

- Have so far survived COVID-19

- Survived draughts

- Survived flooding 

- Survived Bush fires 

- and other forms of hardships

May everyone stay safe around the world, whether in Australia or somewhere else. It has been a rough time but we shall continue to power on.

Yours Sincerely,


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