.3. Dear Diary

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The day has bearly begun

But that doesn't mean a thing

There is no need to be happy,

First thing in the morning.

Its class time

And no one realises the struggle

The struggle I put up with

You think that would see

You think that they would realise

That they would smart enough to know

I once sat here with high grades

But I don't anymore

I sit here with overdue work

You think I am just not working

You think that I am just wasting my time

That I need to work harder

That the low grades are on purpose

But little do you know

That my life isn't just at school

That I have a life outside of it too

I just don't talk a lot about it

The family pressure is high

The things I go through at home

Is something that only the strong survive

Thoughts running through my head

They aren't dance moves and maths equations

But the negative thoughts

Pushing myself to the limit

Trying to live up to people expectations

But they never think about that

I don't know what to do

I don't know what to think

I live in hope

That maybe

Just maybe there is hope

I know that there is no point

I know that whether at home or at school

There is no more point

No point in trying

After all, they all just think that I am slacking off

That I am not doing anything

That I am just wasting my time

But guess what

Why all of you think that I am slacking off

I am working my hardest

And I will prove them wrong

Yours Sincerely,


Dear DiaryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz