.5. Dear Diary

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Do you ever have those days?

Those days where all you want to do,

Is curl into a ball and cry?

Where you head thumps?

Where it hurts so bad

Where all you want to do is scream in agony

But hey the world hates you

So what happens?

Your class is loud

The bus is full

And your walk home seems to take hours

Even if it is only 10 minutes

I have had these days

Today was just like this

So here I sit

Headphones in

Listening to the most depressing playlist I can find

Trying to get my work done

At least this time my mind leaves me alone

With no self-doubt

I am able to at least stand

And pretend to be strong

I don't like others to worry

But sometimes I just want them all to know

To understand what I am going through

So they can back off

So they can leave me alone

So that I can be myself no matter where I go

I know that it will never happen

Anyway I will talk late

Until next time,


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