Let Summer Be Summer Again

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Let summer be summer again.
Let it be lemonade dyed like the rainbow overhead.
Let it be reading in a secluded spot in the shade--
A relaxed, drowsy peace unaware of what's ahead.

Let summer evenings gather in a foreign city
Where music drifts through the fading heat.
Amongst the aroma of bread, wine, and gelati,
Let summer stroll through the street.

Let summer be freedom in the waves--
Giggles and adventures with wet sand between toes.
Let it be swirling waters in hidden caves
And thunderstorms while running through meadows.

Let summer bike through the salty air
To fireworks, amusement parks, and Gray's Ice Cream.
Let summer be by the poolside or at the fair
Where babysitters give manicures and go to Dairy Queen.

Let summer camp in tents and play wiffle ball,
Then take canoes or swim freely away from worries.
On unknown islands we explore until nightfall,
Finding wild blueberries and fresh strawberries.

Let summer be road trips passed with Mad Libs and crayon.
Let it be waking to powdered donuts and iced tea.
Long drives with Bob, Billie Joe, Paul, and John--
Let it be.

Summer hasn't been summer recently,
And summer won't be summer for now.
Let summer be exciting and carefree.
Let summer be summer again.

A/N: I wrote this recently, spring 2020, for school. The prompt was to write a poem modeled off of Langston Hughes's poem, "Let America be America Again". I've always been a nostalgic person, but going into a quarantined summer makes me feel even more so...

I hope you enjoyed this, feel free to comment, and I hope you keep reading!

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