I Don't Want You To Go

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Perhaps I've made mistakes,
But I promise you I don't want you to go.

I've always worn a VR lens, until it fell off.
I had to blindly search for it,
Flailing, I was lost.
I didn't even have a token to get across.
There, I found you.
Where you introduced me to rhyming.
Met in the dark,
Destined to split thanks to my timing.
Now I realize my VR lens had never been there.
Us and joy, an unlikely pair.

We know it's hard,
And it's not fair,
But trust me when I say that I care.
'Cause I promise you I don't want you to go.
We know this place sucks,
Each day is a curse,
But I think maybe Hell would be worse.
And I promise you I don't want you to go.

I pried open the door,
And found you in your corner.
Your voice was gone from sobbing--
I handed you a pen.
A silly assumption 'cause you already had ten.
Tried lighting a candle,
But the wax dripped on your shirt.
You said nothing as it burned
'Cause it finally hurt.
I should have known how to act from my own dark bouts.
It's too late 'cause you kicked me out.

Now I only see you from afar.
You fade like a permanent scar.
We were nothing, but we
Screwed everything for me.
Now I'm terrified to start something new--
Don't want the same mistakes I made with you.

I told you I'd lost feelings--
You knew it was a lie.
And now I can't stop thinking how
We never said good-bye.

You moved on--
I'm still listening to our old songs.
You moved on--
So many things we did wrong.
I'll move on--
The pen might help me along
I'll move on--
It's like you're already gone,
But I think that's the problem.

When I think of what was us,
I just remember pain.
But now I'm numb and lonely--
Don't want dull sanity, agony keeps me sane.

Perhaps I've made mistakes,
But I promise you I don't want you to go.

A/N: This was originally written as song lyrics, in early 2019.

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