Agent Flentt - short verison

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[[[ Warning: Mentions sexual assault in timeline ]]]



[This is the short version of Eloe, it keeps explains of relationships and her history brief... if you're interested in more information about much please see the long version of her In the previous chapter which explains things better... I hope.]


Mass Effect Series, the year is 2185 so we'll be in Mass Effect 2.

:Full Name & Pronunciation:

Ellula 'Lula' Aves. [Ay-luh-lah Ah-ves]

:Alias & Nickname:

'Eloe Flentt' [Ee-low F-lent] is the new identity and name she has been given for her mission with Shepard. She quite likes her new name; she's even opted to be called 'Agent Flentt' rather than 'Operative Flentt' as she feels the former flows better. 'Bee' is her most recent nickname that was given by Joker, his reasoning is that her yellow and black armour makes her look like a bumblebee and plus she's really short.

:Species & Gender:

Human, Female. Eloe can be classed as trans-human due to her various cybernetic implants made to enhance her abilities.


Straight, though if her mission calls for her to seduce a female she is willing to do so.

:Birthday/place & Age:

Eloe was born in Frankfurt, Germany on February 10th 2158 and is 27 as of Mass Effect 2.


Eloe is petite, she stands at 5'3" and 5'5" when in her armour and weighs 66 kg. Despite her short stature, she's lean and strong with visibly muscular arms from her years of acrobatic training. Eloe has warm tanned skin with light brown eyes. She's fairly fortunate when it comes to her appearance, she's got an oval face with an upturned nose and almond-shaped eyes. Eloe's had cosmetic surgery a number of times to enhance her natural features as well as giving her fuller lips to make her face more appealing. She's also used cosmetic surgery to remove the majority of scars caused by her cybernetic implants and battle, the main scars that remain are around her eyes from her eye replacement surgery, they are only faint red marks so she can easily cover with makeup when going undercover. Her hair is a dark brown and cut to her chin, she parts it in the middle and tucks it behind her ears. Her hair is quite damaged due to constantly bleaching and dying it for missions over the past years, though the extra strength hair gel she uses to keep her hair in place hides a lot of the damage. She hates how her hair feels, she promised herself she's going to grow the damaged hair out and have a healthy head of hair once again.


Eloe would not describe herself as a 'good person' if there is even such a thing as one. She fears her time with Cerberus has blurred her line of what is 'right' or 'wrong'. She lies and convinces herself her actions will have good outcomes despite the brutal methods Cerberus employs. Although she knows her supervisors see her more as an asset than a person, she's told herself so many times that they care about her that she now believes her own deception. She feels she's too far past any kind of redemption to be a 'good person', though it doesn't stop her unyielding desire to do good. Despite this desire, she's not selfless, she thinks of her own survival first before anyone else's and it makes her feel like a selfish coward. She's been trained to avoid capture at all costs, so she won't save others if it risks her capture because she knows she won't be able to kill herself should she be captured. She'd let innocent people die to save herself and it makes her feel sick, although she knows it doesn't validate her actions or make her feel any better, she's marked this behaviour down to being scared of dying.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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