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A/N: So before you guys start reading, there are some things I must clarify. This is a supernatural world which revolves mostly around werewolves. Now there are Alpha's, Beta's, Delta's and Omega's BUT they are different from your usual hierarchy. More will be explained as the story progresses. Any doubts, you can always ask!  


Kace's POV

17th August, it's my birthday today. I lay on my bed dully looking at the dark ceiling. My eyes were swollen and my body bruised. The coarse blanket did little to warm my pale, frail and petite body.

The foul odour of my room penetrated my nose; no matter how hard I tried I could never get use to it. I tried my best to clean it every day but one way or another the smell will always make its way to this room. It's almost like a curse.

There was nothing in this room. No tables, no chairs, no wardrobes. There was only a thin tattered mattress, a coarse blanket and a cold broken soul. My room was a storage room before it became mine. Thankfully all the things which were here were now kept in a nicer and more suitable room for them. I wouldn't want them to rot like I was.

There was one other thing which I had here, something which I hated from the bottom of my heart. It was an alarm clock, gifted to me by the pack's alpha, Mercile Jones. It told me the time and reminded me of the punishments that would come if I didn't finish my chores in time.

I listlessly got up from my bed and walked towards the door wearing only an old t-shirt and shorts which were given to me by a nice pack lady. But she was punished and violated after she was found out. The alpha exiled her after he was satisfied with how physically and mentally broken she became.

I still remembered her face as she was slowly walking past the pack borders, with only a tattered brown robe covering her body. My hair was being pulled by the alpha and I was hanging off the ground. He was whispering vile and disgusting things in my ear as he kept on repeating that it was 'your entire fault'.

But before she disappeared she gave me a small kind goodbye smile with teary eyes as if saying that whatever happened to her wasn't my fault. After seeing her I cried. I thrashed around while I was still on the alpha's hold wanting to run to her and beg her not to go. That day I got one of the worst beatings that would haunt me for centuries. That was also the day that I felt my sanity slowly slipping from my fingers.

I walked up the cold stairs barefooted and headed straight to the kitchen. I looked at the clock which was hung above the door which read, 5:30 a.m. I had one and a half hour until the pack members began waking up.

I hurriedly started making breakfast. I had to do everything alone since I was the only omega here. I brewed the coffee, fried the eggs and bacon, baked some cookies and muffins, toasted the bread and after finishing all that I washed the dishes. Once I heard a few footsteps I immediately finished cleaning up and setting the table before leaving the room.

But before I could leave, I got a whiff of an amazing scent of strawberries and mint. I was turning 18 today and I was officially entering the age group where I could find my mate.

But I didn't think that I would find them this early. A small light of hope burned inside me and my body moved on its own. My wolf was howling, barking and chanting 'mate' crazily. I was mindlessly following the scent and before I realised it I was outside of the pack house. I was standing just outside the door while my mate was standing a few steps away from me.

He was wearing only boxers and had a few leaves on his brunette hair. He sniffed the air for a while before turning around. His amber eyes were the first thing I saw when he turned around. My hands were clenched into fists at my sides as I vigilantly stared at him. Even though all I wanted to do was run up to his arms and hug him, I couldn't.

My mate was Evander Jones, the son of Mercile and Mertle Jones and also the next heir of this pack. He slowly walked towards me while I took a small step back. He gave a small warning growl, signalling me to stay put. As he walked closer and closer towards me I tried my best to stay still. My body was stiff and shaking by the time he was in front of me.

Then he slowly leaned over, and then put his mine. He then covered my eyes with his warm hand and I immediately felt a blush creep up my cheeks. My wolf was yipping happily and started chasing his own tail. For a second I thought that I felt a drop of water.

But before I could dwell into that though or bask in the happiness which I felt, he suddenly pulled away. My eyes flew open and what I saw made my heart drop. Evander was looking at me with a bewildered and disgusted expression. He quickly wiped his lips and spit.

"AI-" "No WAIT!" My heart was racing and I felt fear and anxiety penetrate my soul. Was he really going to...?

"Don't interrupt me dirty omega! As if I would take someone like you as my mate!"

"I Evander, hereby reject you Kace as my mate!"

An intense pain shot through my bones and I screamed. My wolf was howling and crying and at that moment I made a sudden decision. I had to leave. I ordered my body to shift. The pain of shifting and being rejected almost made me mad but I held on. After I shifted I ran. I ran as fast as I could. But for some reasons I could hear some footsteps which were following me, though that didn't stop me. I ran and ran until I reached the pack borders and crossed it without any hesitation. That broke my bond with the pack. Thankfully I didn't have a pack link otherwise I would have felt more pain and at that moment I don't think I could handle more.

I heard howls of wolves and one particular howl caught my interest. It was a howl of pain regret and sadness. For a moment I almost wanted to go back but stopped myself. He rejected me. We were no longer mates. Those thoughts made my heart ache but they were true.

I ran and ran until I collapsed. I didn't even know where the hell I was. Slowly I closed my eyes and shifted back to my human form. I was panting heavily and also crying. The pain hadn't subsided; rather it felt as if it was increasing every second.

I couldn't hold on anymore and fainted.


A/N: Hope you liked the first chapter! Please Comment, Share and Vote!

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