Chapter 7

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Kace's POV

The screaming voice made the people around me shiver and whimper. The only people who weren't affected were me, William, Angel, John, Liam, Mercia and Lilius. Mertle looked as if she was about to faint.

"Stupid Fucktard!"

I could hear skin colliding with skin and red flags went up in my head. Arctic was stirred awake and he let out a low growl. That was when I caught the faint smell Omega. I immediately shot up from my seat along with the others. William growled and his eyes flashed golden before he took the lead and ran outside quicker than anyone else. We hurriedly followed him but right before we could reach outside, the scent was gone and all that was left was Mercile standing alone, glaring furiously at the wall which was bashed and cracked.

Mertle pushed through our small crowd and rushed to his side. She pacified him, running her hands up and down his body and slowly guided him away while giving us a weird apologetic look.

I turned back to the kitchen and saw everyone quickly leaving. They moved so fast that it seemed as if they would collide against each other but they always managed to move at the right moment before an accident could occur. They looked so...used to it. The only one sitting calmly inside was Lilius; silently she ate her porridge, barely looking at the commotion around her.

"Be careful." We all silently nodded at William's command as we made our way back to the table. Lilius gave us a short glance as we took our seats. She looked down and stopped eating, clasping her hands tightly and slowly rubbing her thumbs together.

She looked nervous but she tried keeping up a front which succeeded in the end. She gave a tired sigh as she looked at us, her eyes full of unconcealed fear and determination.

"Listen, I don't know what your purpose for coming here is but please, leave. Don't stay here."



"Just please...leave." Lilius gave us all a glance, her gaze lingering on John a little longer before she stood up, taking all the bowls and spoons on the table before leaving. Her short conversation with Liam left us confused but one thing was for sure, we couldn't leave, at least not now.

One by one we stood up and left the table, heading towards William's room. His room structure was exactly the same as ours, just that most of the stuff was replaced with his and it was completely enveloped with his scent. We all scattered and sat wherever we could. William and Angel sat on the edge of the bed, Liam and I on the couch, while Mercia and John balanced themselves on the armrests of the couch. Arctic, now fully awake, was looking curiously at William, making me a little confused.

"Cayden looks weird. He seems happy but angry at the same time..." Arctic tilted his head while I also unknowingly tilted my head as we both looked at William. Angel saw us and immediately turned her head to the side, her cheeks bulging. I straight away straightened my head while flipping my middle finger at her. The rest saw our exchange and shook their heads, giving out quiet chuckles.

"Alpha, did something good happen?" I said, successfully shifting the attention from me to William. I was getting embarrassed and in no way was I letting my cheeks turn red. William looked at me and I noticed his eyes turn golden, his lips pulling up to a smirk.

"I think I found my mate."

Time seemed to have slowed down as I tried digesting that information. We were all quiet for what seemed like an eternity until a loud crash brought us back to reality. Mercia had fallen face first to the ground, a red bruise forming right at the centre of her face. She looked at William, her eyes and mouth wide open with weird sounds coming out of her mouth and I realised, that was probably what all our expressions looked like.

Mercia slowly got up and rubbed her face, looking intently at William. Liam was the first to say something, breaking the weird silence.

"W-Wow....uh...Congrats?" He said awkwardly as he stood up from the couch and attempted to give William a hug. Key word: attempted.

Before Liam could even reach William, he gave us another piece of shocking and thundering information which left us all frozen.

"Also if I'm right...the person who Mercile was beating up, is my mate." His eyes turned a mixture of golden and red, his smirk now ruthless and cold. Bloodlust spilled from him like an overflowing tap while he clenched his hands.

"What's worse, that tantalizing and heavenly scent disappeared and now I can't find it anymore. In the end all that was left was the scent of their blood and fear which also vanished in a second. I wanted to fucking kill that bastard but I know I can't. Killing him would be too kind."

Growls erupted from everyone. The mere thought of our Luna getting hurt left us in anger and rage. Our bloodlust leaked out and I was tempted to just go and wring Mercile's neck, but that felt like an act of kindness. I'll first take out his eyeballs, then pour boiling water through those hollow sockets. I wouldn't gag his mouth to stop his screams; no I would rather cut open his neck and tear out his voice box and then-

"Calm down." William's dominant voice made me snap out of my dark fantasy. Arctic was growling and pushing for control, his desire for blood growing every second. I slowly pacified him, promising him runs (squirrel and butterfly chases) and spars while also promising him that we would get a chance to torture that bastard and make him regret ever being born. He backed down but was still agitated, letting out low growls from time to time. I knew my eyes were red as my vision was a lot clearer than normal. They would stay that way for a few minutes until Arctic completely calmed down.

Everyone was having troubles with controlling their wolves. Angel's eyes were purple as she was now standing and looking outside the window, muttering curses every now and then. Liam's eyes were deep brown; his canines were protruding out as he struggled to keep his wolf in. I walked towards him and hugged him, petting his hair as his wolf, Arnou, slowly calmed down. He pushed me away once Arnou backed down, muttering a small 'thank you' as I smiled and ruffled his head. Mercia and John had already settled their emotions but their expressions were tight and grim.

We were all standing, except William. His eyes were closed as he pacified his wolf. Once he opened them, they went back to their usual green hazel colour. He gave out a low sigh before talking again.

"I know what you all are feeling and trust me when I say I feel it 10 times worse. But remember, we can't act rashly. We have a mission and my mate; there is a chance that if we touch Mercile now, I'll never be able to meet them. We must act normally, to make sure they don't suspect anything. It'll be hard but we must do it. Also, it's odd that their scent just disappeared. Did any of you smell the scent of blood after the omega scent was gone?"

We all shook our heads, our expressions grim. There was something very unsettling about that fact.

"Right now, when we leave to go tour the pack lands and meet the pack members, be alert and look for any sign that something is amiss. If you see or feel that anything is off, mind link everyone. Do not verbally communicate your assumptions and findings. Got it?"

"Yes Alpha."

William nodded at us before telling us to go freshen up and get ready. I opened the door, ready to go out but stopped dead in my tracks before I could even take one step out. Mercia asked me what was wrong and tried moving me a little but stopped once she saw what lay beyond the door.

Mertle was pushing Amare up against the wall, choking and forcibly kissing him.


A/N: excuses..hehe..(-////-). Please do comment, share and vote! And oh? No ending 'pov's' today? Hehe. 

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