Chapter 5

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A/N: What!? This author who always disappears for a month after 1 chapter updated twice a day!? What is this madness? *Cough* Anyway, this may not happen everyday so bask in this once in a blue moon thing. Also, I decided to change 'Blood Fang Pack' to 'Crimson Fang Pack.' If you see any typos do let me know. Now on with the story~~


Kace's POV

The rest of the day went by in a blur. Liam and I never went out of the room while our luggage and dinner was delivered by Mercia and John. It was late in the afternoon when we arrived yesterday, which gave William the chance to pull the 'The journey was very long and tiring and they normally sleep very early...' card. In truth I normally slept at 1:00 A.M or never sleep at all. I just could never relax my body to have a good night's rest. It was impossible.

Right now I was sitting on the soft and silky double bed, wrapped tightly in a blue blanket, silently mulling over yesterday's events. Liam had gone out and I couldn't bring myself to separate from this warmness. It was weird how I thought I could power through the whole meeting. I gave myself a dry, belittling chuckle as I went through yesterday morning's thoughts. I felt strong that time, that I could get over this and have a happy go lucky stay in this wretched place.

I thought that if I just had my family, everything would be alright. But I was wrong, so damn wrong. Reality gave me a fitting slap yesterday that woke me up. This place, this hell, I wouldn't just magically get over it. There is a high chance that I'll never will and that scares me. Fear grips me and entangles its thorny veins around my broken self as my mind was forcefully open, the intense and burning truth burning my eyes.

I lied, I lied to myself, my family and everyone else that I was fine now. Five measly years weren't enough for me to completely let go of my past. They weren't enough to heal my abused soul but they were enough to form a web of lies. This dense web that wrapped me up and protected me from the horrible truth, it was time to leave its shelter.

Whether I will be able to get through this or not depends on me. I have support, comfort and strength but would all of that truly be enough to help me get away from this haunting hell?

Listlessly I got up and took off my suit shirt and briefs from yesterday and entered the small bathroom. I turned on the shower and gave a relieved sigh as the hot water hit my skin and dripped down to the tiled floor. My body slowly relaxed making Arctic give out a pleased sound as he rested at the back of my mind. He was busy giving most of his energy to me didn't rest well until I fell asleep yesterday which made him dead tired right now.

After washing my body and hair, I took the white towel which Liam changed from the horrid brown, stained towel provided by the pack. I chuckled a little remembering his horrid and disgust filled expression as he frantically searched for a stick or rod to pick up the towel from its hanger and once he found one, slowly carried it to the window and flung it out along with the stick. Thankfully that window was facing the backyard which was filled with overgrown weeds and brown soil and green grass.

The towel and stick perfectly camouflaged along with the scenery, making me wonder if it was done deliberately by someone. After that Liam conducted a thorough cleaning of the room, changing most of the items inside with his and mine. He had two suitcases and I stared in wonder as to how he stuffed so many things inside. I got up to help him a little and unpacked my own suitcase at the same time. We heard two knocks on the door by the time we finished. Mercia and John quickly came inside with four plates of steaming food and sat on top of the bed while urging us to take our plates.

The whole room was pretty small with only one closet, a small bathroom with a shower and toilet combined and a small couch enough to hold only two people and the double bed. The floor was made of wood without any carpet covering it, the closet and sofa the same colour as the thrown towel. A single bright tube light hung above the bed, enough to barely light the room. There was also only a single socket that could only be accessed if the closet was pushed since it was a shy maiden that wanted to hide from the world.

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