Chapter 3

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Kace's POV

I was up and about since 5 A.M, the excitement from yesterday still buzzing through my body. The pack house was quiet as the warriors on patrol duty had already left while the rest were still asleep. I was snooping around the kitchen for an energy bar before starting my morning run which sadly I had to cut short today, when I felt somebody's hand on my shoulder. I stiffened but didn't scream. I slowly turned around and saw a ghost-

"What in the world are you doing?" Scratch that. It was something much worse than a ghost; it was the devil with the ironic name of 'Angel'. I rolled my eyes at her before opening the last cabinet I hadn't checked yet. A smile made its way to my face as I saw two energy bars, a blue bottle and a small note inside.

The note said, 'For you...I'm never doing this again. –Liam.' I quickly took out the rest of the things, keeping the bars on my pocket while taking the bottle back to my room. I ignored Angel the whole time who was now giving me the finger behind my back which I obviously returned.

After putting the bottle on my table and eating one bar, I finally went for my run. I normally run in human form since my wolf, Arctic, didn't like showing himself. He's too dominant, sensitive, and big and gets distracted easily. The last time I let him out, a 30 minute run turned into a 2 hour search for a butterfly and a squirrel. But his curiosity and sometimes cave man talk makes me all the more grateful to The Crimson Fang Pack for taking me in, if not...I might have never been able to form this bond with him.

Arctic mostly spends his time sleeping or talking about random things. The rare times he does anything other than that is when Liam pets him or William (or his wolf, Cayden) wants to spar.

As I was lost in my thoughts, William's booming voice surprised me, making me hit my head on a tree.

"Ow..." I heard Arctic snicker and before I could say anything, William's thundering Alpha voice once again boomed through the pack link.

'Kace! Where in the world are you!?' I quickly checked my watch and saw that it was 6:25. A string of curses flowed through my mouth as I hurriedly ran back to the pack house.

'I'm coming!! Wait!! I'm.........' I dragged on the 'I'm' till I saw the pack house, with William dressed back dress pants, white long sleeved button up shirt, formal shoes and a black coat hanging from his arm, standing outside the door.

"...HERE!!!" I panted as I ran towards William, while checking my watch at the same time. 6:28, pretty good time. I would've given myself a pat on the back if it wasn't for William's frustrated expression.

"Finish up in 5 minutes."

"Aye, Aye Alpha!" I rushed past him, braking once I reached my room. I flung open my closet doors, quickly wearing my black formal pants, a blue button-up short sleeved shirt, a pair of blue dress socks, black and blue laced formal shoes and a black jacket. I put on some cologne, changed out of my everyday watch and wore my Armani blue and rose-gold one instead and checked myself out in the mirror.

After styling my hair a few times before finally just pushing it back with a little gel, did I take my Black and rose-gold suitcase from under my bed, filled with my necessities, and headed down for breakfast.

It was 6:40 by the time I reached the kitchen. 7 minutes late wouldn't hurt anyone. Liam, Angel, John and Mercia were fully dressed while eating breakfast. Liam, John and Mercia all wore jeans while Angel wore a rather long blue dress with jewelleries adorning her. Even though I have this undying dislike for Angel, no one can argue that she has the aura of a Luna and since it seems that William and she will not be finding their mates anytime soon, she might actually become Blood Fang's Luna.

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