Uncertainty of Tomorrow

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The uncertainty of Tomorrow is enough to drive one crazy.
The uncertainty of whether we have a Together Tomorrow,
Our feelings for one another has grown so strong over the past few years,
I don't want to imagine my Tomorrow without you,
but Tomorrow's uncertainty might not give us any other choice.
Even though I want to be with you for the rest of my Tomorrows,
Tomorrow might not make it very realistic,
leaving us to find someone new, someone local.
I promised to always be there for you,
even as just a friend.
But we both know it will be too painful for both of us to be friends only when one of us finds someone new.
I will be happy for you when you do find someone new tomorrow,
but then it will be best I go away and let you be happy with your someone new.

I hate the uncertainty of Tomorrow.
I wish we could be certain that we have a Together Tomorrow.

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