Chapter 2

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{Guys I added round glasses to Dipper's look to make him cuter}

Dipper's pov

~Time skip to End of Second Period~

"It sounds like you guys all had a wonderful Summer vacation, but sadly our time is up for the bell is about to ring." Mrs. Bungee (My history teacher) says walking back towards her desk. "Also tomorrow is when we'll start our first assignment, so be ready."

With that said and done, the bell finally rings, so I pack up my things. By the time I was done, everyone else had already left. Guess I was the only one who took things out? I grab my bag and start heading out.

"See you tomorrow Mrs.Bungee." I say

"Goodbye Mr.Pines, hope you have a wonderful day." She said.

And I left. Time to go meet up with Ty. Wonder what we're going to do. Probably hang out in the Library or find a place outside to just talk/rest. Deep in thought, I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and didn't notice the person in front of me before it was too late.


I crashed right into a boy making him drop books and papers.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." I bend down to help pick up his things. "Here, let me help you."

"It's okay, it's okay! T-These things h-happen, and thank you." The boy said.

We finished picking his stuff up and we stood up to dust ourselves off. "I hope I didn't ruin anything, and again I am so sorry." I say to him.

"I-I'm fine, everything i-is fine. I'm Will. W-Will Cipher." He stuck out his hand to me and I gladly shook it.

"Dipper, Dipper pines. It's nice to bump into you....heh" He chuckled at my small joke which made me smile.

This guy doesn't look familiar now that I think about it. Maybe he's new? He has light blue hair, faint freckles spread across his cheeks and nose, and aqua colored eyes. He's wearing a white buttoned up shirt with a blue sweater over it with a single eye on it. He has on black jeans and blue converse.

I think I was staring for too long because next thing you know, he was snapping and waving his hand in my face to get my attention.

H-hello? Anyone i-in there?" He asked. I snapped out of my train of thought.

"Huh? Oh yeah, sorry, I was just thinking." I looked down for a moment, but then looked back at him. "Hey, are you new?" I asked

"Y-yeah I am. M-me and my brother just started here. I was actually j-just on my w-way to meet with h-him." He stated.

"Well no wonder I've never seen you before, " I say while nudging his arm a little. "I'm actually supposed to be meeting my brother as well."

An awkward silence rose between us as we both came to realization of the same fact.

"OH GOD MY BROTHER!" we both yelled in unison. And like reading our minds, the bell rings.

"OK I GOTTA GO!" We both said, and then looked at each other.

"Ok this is weird." We said in unison again.

"Well see ya."

And with that we parted ways. Ty is so going to get on me for this. I made my way to the library as fast as I could. When I made it, I just saw him on his phone leaning against the library doors. I'm guessing he heard my footsteps and loud breathing, because he looked up and smirked at me.

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