Chapter 4 - Mabel Wants Him

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Dipper's pov 

I say bye to everyone and start heading out the cafeteria doors, but before I can even walk like 5 steps, I hear voice from behind me,

"H-hey Dipper! Wait u-up!" 

I turn around to see a blue haired boy make his towards me from the doors of the cafeteria. He lets out a small breath of air when he reaches me. 

"You w-walk quickly." He chuckles out

"Heh, yeah sorry about that, but what's up?" I ask him

"O-oh yeah right," he pulls out a piece of paper from the book he was holding in his hands. "I was w-wondering if you c-could tell me where Mr. Zack's m-math class was?" He said while holding out his schedule to me.

I looked over his schedule and noticed that we actually have a few classes together, one of them being the math class he currently asking directions to. 

"Yeah! I actually have that class right now, so you can just follow me." I say. His eyes widen and he smiles at me, "T-That's awesome!" He says, "I-I'm glad i'll h-have a friend there." 

I let out a small laugh and smiled back to him, "Yeah it will be nice," I said while lightly punching him on the arm. "Now come on, let's get going so we're not late to class on the first day of school." 

He laughs a little and nods his head in agreement. I turn around and start walking towards the math hall with my new blue haired friend by my side. We made idle chit-chat before finally reaching the math hall and finding the door to our class. 

We walked in, and at that very moment the bell rang. We both looked at each other and started quietly laughing. 

"Guess w-we made it o-on time" Will stutters out

"We sure did." I reply

After a few seconds, we finally calm ourselves and make our way to the back of the room where two seats right next to each other just so happen to be available. 

"We sure are getting lucky today, aren't we?" I say to Will

He smiles and nods his head, "Yeah." 

Our conversation was cut short though when our math teacher finally got up from their desk and  started talking. 

"Good Afternoon class, my name is Mr.Zack, I will be your calculus teacher throughout this school year." He said while writing his name on the chalk board behind him so we know how to spell his name. 

"I' will be with you start to end, so don't be afraid to come to me with any problems from home that's restricting you from getting any work done, or if you just need someone to talk to too, my doors are always open in the mornings, during lunch, and after school." 

"T-This teacher seems n-nice, I already l-like him." I hear Will say from besides me. 

"Honestly same." I reply

"I'm gonna do attendance now so please raise your hand or say here when I call your name. And if I mispronounce a name, please correct me." 

Mr.Zack starts to call out names messing up on some names here and there while me and Will just sit patiently waiting for our names to leave our teachers mouth. 

"Will Cipher?" Mr.Zack says 

I turn too Will as I see him turn red and sheepishly put his hand up.

"H-here" He mutters 

The teacher look up from his computer and says "Please speak louder next time so I can hear you." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2020 ⏰

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