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I sat at the desk staring down as my mother glared at me in such disappointment.
"Lucy Caswell. What do you have to say for yourself?" She said sternly.
"I was being bullied by the Bells daughter." I replied honestly.
My mother just stared at me before looking down at her desk & sighing.
"That doesn't give you the right to through food coloring on their daughter! Do you have any idea what could happen? We could have the Bells showing up on our doorstep! You will write Claudia an apology!" She demanded. I gave her a stern look shaking my head no as she raised an eyebrow at me standing up throwing her fists on the desk!
"What the heck is wrong with you! Must you ruin the Caswell's good name?" Mother asked questioningly. I looked at her as I nodded yes.
"Our good family name ended when you & father thought you were rich & above everyone else! There's people above us!" I fired back not thinking about the consequences.

My mother walked around her desk angrily as she backhanded me across the face!
"You're a disgrace. No food nor water for 2 full days! You will go home & do your school work then go right to bed you understand!" Mother stated as she grabbed me by my hair & pulled me off the ground. I could feel blood dripping down my chin from where she hit me in the mouth.
I grabbed my backpack & ran out the office as Claudia waited outside the door.
"This is what you get!" She said angrily as I pushed her to the ground & ran down the stairs & to the bathrooms locking myself in a stall. I slid down to the floor face palming myself as I cried thinking about what I did. Maybe I went too far or maybe I even felt a tiny bit guilty. I don't know but the feeling was strong.
I continued sitting in my pity corner as an announcement came on.

Good afternoon ladies. We are currently looking for Ms Lucy Caswell. If you see her please tell a teacher immediately or bring her to the Principal's Office. Thank you.

Great. My mother sent a search party for me. I looked under the stall door as I heard footsteps followed by a knock on my door.
"Hello? Lucy are you in here?" I heard. The voice sounded unfamiliar.
"Who is it?" I replied trying to sound like someone else. I looked under the door & saw some dirty black boots.
"It's Mrs. Heart." The voice replied. Mrs. Heart taught Physical Education & she was very kind even to those who didn't deserve it.
I opened the door as she reached a hand out while I gladly accepted it. She pulled me off the floor & wiped the tears off my cheeks.
"It's ok. You were angry. I'm sure whatever happened, Claudia deserved what she got." Heart said. About time someone understands me.

I walked outside the stall door & looked at Mrs. Heart concerned.
"Are you going to turn me in?" I asked.
"Well...consequences are I could lose my job if I don't. But I would rather lose my job than endanger a child. Go to your next class. I'll lift the announcement." Heart reassured me before walking out the bathroom. I wiped my eyes & grabbed my backpack walking out as I looked down the hallways.

I looked to the right & saw a green exit sign. Where was the hall monitor? Yes hall monitor.
I thought about what I could do. 1) run out the exit door & potentially get in even more trouble 2) go to my next class & possibly not have the announcement lifted or 3) turn myself in.
I doubled checked the hallway before quietly walking towards the exit door. I could hear footsteps coming down the hallway from behind making me walk faster. I quietly opened the door & ran out running the mile to get to my house.
I hid as my parents opened the front door about 30 minutes later.
"The girl is nothing but an empty space in this house that is using all of our food & goods. Can't we just get rid of her or poison her or something?" I overheard my mother tell my father. I couldn't believe them!

"Honey I get you have a hatred for our daughter I do too. But let's not let that hatred earn us a spot in prison. Now I have an idea. Why don't we just kick her out?" Father replied back. At least I wasn't gonna die but where would I go?

"Why did we even have such an awful child? We raised her & did all we could to make her the best Caswell possible & she pours food coloring on a girls dress, pushes her on the ground, runs away, & not only that but that girl just so happens to be our biggest rival's daughter!" Mother said angrily. I heard father slam a glass on the table.

"Do you have any more information that is new about the 4 teenage killers in New York?" Father asked. Of course he changes the topic.
"Yes. But what does that have to do with this?" Mother screamed!
"I had an idea. What did you find out?" I hear father say. I open my door & walk towards the balcony to hear closer.
"The 4 do most of their partying in an alleyway by 5th Avenue. We went there today & found a bunch of glass bottles & a bloody knife." Mother said. When did the 4 teenage killers come in on the topic though?
"Darling this is going to sound insane but what if we trade her for something to them. Something like we burn all the evidence we've collected." Father has never said something so ruthless before.
I ran downstairs & shouted!
"You'll never take me to them! Ever! I'd rather die! Poison me beat me kill me but I'll never go with them!" Before I ran back upstairs hearing my mother call behind me.
I slammed my door shut & locked it as I laid in bed & cried myself to sleep.

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