Meet Shank

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Shank is Riley's little sister by 2 years & vows to protect her older brother at all costs as he does the same.
When the 2 were little, their mother divorced their father over financial problems & they were forced to go with their mother. The 2 were soon sent to an orphanage after their home was declared unstable. They suffered much abuse at the orphanage & bullying causing them to return the favor.
While everyone was asleep, Riley killed the bullies & abusers leaving 7 dead in total & escaped with his little sister. They made their lives stealing & vandalizing while living on the streets of New York. Riley was out an about when he met Frank who soon he introduced to his little sister Shank & the 3 became a team.
According to Riley, Shank's real name is Sierra Von.

Weapons: knives
There is no doubt that Shank is a rule follower & has always been that way. Despite her leadership instincts, Shank is mentally unstable & has extreme anger problems resulting in her fighting her brother of petty things but when it comes to protecting him, she will do whatever it takes & kill all those who get in her way.

- black hoodie
- black leggings
- black combat boots
- black backpack
- bunny rabbit purge mask

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