Welcome To Our World

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Before I knew it Frank shouted "let's go!" & everyone started running behind Frank. Great well if I don't have an asthma attack now I'm definitely gonna have one after I run.
I followed behind them as Sally shouted "keep up" & "run faster" but I couldn't. After 5 minutes of running we ended up in another alleyway where Frank told everyone to stop.
"Here's the plan, We need to see what this girl is capable of so Lucy...go lure somebody back here & take this." Frank ordered as he handed me a ruler that had been cut into a blade & has 2 nails at the end of it.
I hesitantly took it in my hand shocked that they wanted me to kill someone.
"Go on." Frank demanded as I slowly walked out of the alleyway & hid the ruler in my coat pocket.
I pretended to cry as a lady came upon me.
"Little girl? Are you ok?" She asked kneeling down to me.
"I'm lost. I was suppose to follow my father to a subway train but I got lost." I told her as I instantly regretted it & shed more tears but these were real ones.
"Don't worry I'll help you find them." She said smiling.
She turned to pick up her phone.
"Wait. Can we go in that alleyway I need to get my backpack?" I told her trying not to sound suspicious.
"Of course darling." As the lady followed me into the alleyway where she soon would find out that she was going to die & that she got played by a child.
The others hid as this was all about me apparently.
I cried some more cause I really didn't want to do it.
The lady turned her back to me searching under newspapers for my non-existent backpack.
I reached into my pocket quietly & pulled out the ruler. I raised my hand up & after I hesitated for a second, I jammed it into her back. The lady let out a scream in pain as I removed it & jammed it into her stomach causing her to fall on the ground.
I stood above her watching as she cried & tried to move around while attempting to stop the bleeding.
As I watched the woman squirm around for about 20-30 seconds I gripped the ruler & kneeled down beside her.
"Please! Help me! Don't do this! You don't have to do this! I won't tell anyone just please!" The woman begged for her life.
I went to stab her again when she said "I have kids! I have 3. A girl who's 7 named Abigayle, a boy who's 9 named Smith, & a girl who's 12 named Kensley. I also have a husband!" She cried some more.
I hesitated thinking about leaving her kids to be motherless & their father would remarry & they would feel like she's been replaced.

But I had a problem of my own. I looked into her eyes as they ran tears like a waterfall.
"I'm sorry. But I don't have a choice. If you were in my position you would understand." I told her as I jammed it into her side causing her to scream again & then I jammed it into her chest.
The lady went silent but she was still alive.
Gasping for breath, the woman reached into her purse & with her blood-covered hands, she grabbed her phone. I quickly jammed the knife back into her stomach again as she dropped the phone & her hand fell. Everything went quiet.
I placed 2 fingers on her neck checking for a pulse...nothing.
I heard clapping from behind as I turned & saw all four of them standing there with a smile on their faces.
"Welcome to the NY Killers." Frank said.
I was speechless & shaking as I felt like my heart would burst through my chest. I gripped my chest as I couldn't breathe.
The others were already making their way back to camp. Frank was standing there staring at me while I stared at my hands covered in someone's blood.
Frank walked over to me & took my hands in his.
"You're ok." He said pulling me in for a hug. So killers do have sympathy for others.
"Don't worry...It gets easier." He said.
The truth was...I didn't want it to get easier. I didn't want to get use to killing people. Especially when they have families to go home to at the end of the day. That lady just wanted to enjoy a day in New York & now she'll never return to her family. Most importantly, they'll never find out.
Frank bent down towards the lady's lifeless body & placed a piece of duct tape on her mouth as he took a sharpie & wrote NY Killers on it.
"It's just something we do." He said. He took me by my hand & led me back to camp.

When we arrived,
Sally & Riley were making some lunch. Shank was getting a bucket of water.
"Here. Wash off all the blood." Shank said.
I stuck my hands in the bucket & scrubbed as hard & fast as I could. Sally noticed my fear & sadness as she approached me.

Sally: it gets easier ya know. Eventually you'll feel free. & the more you do it...the more freedom you feel.
Me: I don't wanna be free if it means killing people.
Sally: I get it...you're scared. Angry. Sad. But...we were chosen. We didn't have a choice. You have a choice. But your life will always be on the line.
Me: sometimes I wonder what I did to make my parents hate me so much.
Sally: you & me both. I never understood why my father did what he did. Or why I chose to kill him. But when I did it...I felt like I had just won the lottery. Except I saved myself & my family. You'll do the same. It's just a matter of when.

Sally walked away as I laid on the ground beside the bucket staring at my clean hands.

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