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After we ate lunch, Riley started running his mouth off.
"So Frank...what were you & Tiny doing back there in that alleyway?" Riley laughed as Frank slammed his plate down & got up.
"Nothing. Now shut up!" Frank said in pure anger.
"Woah...somebody is angry. You're just mad because your dad died & you lost all your crap!" Riley laughed again.
Shank turned & looked at her brother's stupidity telling him to shut up but he just ignored her.
"DON'T EVER TALK ABOUT MY FATHER!" Frank screamed as he shoved Riley on the ground. Riley's face went pale as a ghost while Shank & Sally stood by watching while I did the same.
As the two boys were having a screaming match, I could feel my chest tightening...not good.
The boys continued to argue as I could feel my chest tighten up even more & I was gasping for breath. Nobody noticed & nobody tried to help. My head was spinning & my vision was hazy before I fell out of my chair & landed on the ground unconscious.

Frank & my brother were having a screaming match but everything stopped once Lucy fell out of her chair.
Frank: what happened!
Sally: isn't it obvious! You two stressed her out ya idiots!
Riley: don't blame me! Frank is the one who got all sensitive! Loosen up bro!
Me: quiet! We have to figure out what's wrong with her.
Sally: she's not breathing! Somebody give her CPR!
Me: no! You don't give someone CPR if they're not breathing. That's if they're heart isn't beating.
Frank: then what do we do!
Me: relax. If anything she'll wake up in a while.
Riley: yeah Frank relax.
Frank: I should kill you!
Riley: do it then!

Frank punched Riley across the face as Riley fell backwards & hit his head hard on the ground. He didn't get back up. Blood was pouring from his nose & his eyes were closed as if he was asleep.

Frank: that should take care of him.
Me: Riley! Riley wake up! Why do you two always come at each other's throats! Can't you just be happy with each other for once!
Sally: focus everyone!
Frank: Lucy? Lucy wake up!

Frank tried shaking Lucy's head, pouring water on her, & even CPR although I told him not to.

Frank: she's dead.
Sally: she's not dead.
Frank: oh yeah then what is she? We had one job!
Me: quiet! Sally pull out your tablet.
Frank: why the heck does she need her tablet?
Me: google what to do when someone stops breathing!
Sally: ok.
Me: read me what it says.
Sally: the person could be choking, have a head injury, or have asthma.
Me: check her for a medical badge.
Frank: the heck is a medical badge?
Me: a gold or silver necklace that will say if they have any severe medical conditions!

Sally checked all of Lucy's pockets & found a gold charm that read "asthma patient".

Me: what does it say to do when someone has asthma?
Sally: call 911 or give her medication.
Me: what kind of medication?
Sally: an inhaler.
Me: where the heck do we get one of those?
Sally: apparently any patient should have one.
Me: she doesn't have one?
Sally: maybe she does & she just doesn't have it with her.
Me: ok so what's our other option?
Sally: I don't know! It doesn't say!

We were pretty much screwed. We had no idea what to do. This girl was causing chaos. To me, it would be much easier to just drop her off somewhere & leave her but no we had a deal. A deal with her father & if we break it, he'll turn us in. We can't have that now can we?

Sally: Shank? What now?
Me: I-I don't know. Google something. Please Sally we can't break our part of the deal! If we do...we'll be in jail for life if not on death row!
Sally: I'm trying Shank! The media only tells us so much! Ok I got something!
Me: what is it?
Frank: hurry up! Her lips are turning blue!
Me: that means her airways are blocked.
Sally: no! It means lack of oxygen!
Riley: gosh we are awful medics!
Frank: shut up Riley!
Me: both of you shut up!
Sally: it says if we have a tube, we can insert it into her airway & it'll give her oxygen.
Me: how the heck do we do that!
Sally: I'm googling!

We were all pretty much freaking out about the deal we made with her father & about how we would end up in jail.

Sally: nothing is coming up! All it says is call 911!
Frank: if we call 911 we are going to jail!
Me: come on Sally! Hack in to something! Hurry up!
Frank: come on Lucy. Please.
Me: her heartbeat is slowing down! Sally!
Sally: I'm trying!

Sally is hacking into a university hospital site trying to figure out how to get oxygen to Lucy without using a mask we don't have. Frank & I are trying to wake up Lucy & Riley is literally doing nothing.

Sally: I found it! Ok get a clear plastic tube that is flexible & clear about 7 inches long.
Me: where are we gonna find that?
Sally: My water purifier! It's got a tube that meets all the requirements.
Me: get it!
Sally: ok now sterilize the tube.
Me: Frank get in the first aid kit & grab one of the wipes!

Yes we had a first aid bag but it only had a few bandaids & sterilization pads.

Frank: it's clean!
Sally: open the patients mouth!
Me: now what?
Sally: insert slowly into mouth continue going until patient breathes or wakes up. When the patient wakes up make sure they don't move!
Me: Frank do the honors?
Frank: I ain't doin that you do it!
Sally: somebody do it!

I stood over Lucy & slowly stuck the tube down her throat. I felt really bad about that because she was going to wake up & be so scared. Then it happened...she woke up.

I coughed & inhaled really quick as Shank pulled something out of my mouth & threw it aside. Frank had both of his hands on me trying to keep me down & calm.
"You're ok. You're fine." He told me as Riley stood over me.
"Well...looks like we won't be going to jail this time." Riley state's. Shank gave Riley a stern look as she turned back to me & Sally was collecting money from her bag.
Sally turned to walk away.
"Where are you going?" Shank asked her.
"I'm going to get Lucy an inhaler. She needs something." Sally said.
That's when it hit me. I remembered what happened.
"Just lay here for a few. Shank go get dinner ready. The sun is already starting to set." Frank ordered.
They all turned away from me to go make dinner & set up camp again as Frank occasionally came to check on me. Then he came by & sat down on the ground next to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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