Meet Franklin (aka Frank)

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Franklin was a good kid. Got straight A's throughout 9th grade, had good friends, worked at a grocery store, & even was the JV high school football teams quarterback.
Franklin was considered a successful kid with an amazing home life. Rich parents, cool older sister, a mansion, & several sports cars.
Everything looked good for Franklin until 10th grade came along. Frank's grades dropped after his father died from a car accident. He lost his job because he stopped showing up & he lost his role as JV quarterback & potentially a position on the Varsity team as well. He stopped hanging around people that he loved & got into fights.
He was sent to a Juvenile Delinquent Center in the middle of 10th grade after getting in a brutal fight with a student which resulting in him killing them. But after serving 2 months out of a 4 year sentence, he escaped & continued to be on the run.
Frank was eager to start a team that would challenge anyone who got on their way of doing what they do best; crime.

Frank met Riley & Shank as well as Sally starting a team & doing their talents.

Weapons: knife, pistol, smoke grenades

Frank is a loving guy to his team & cares deeply for every one of them. He comforts, protects, & helps his team. But to those he doesn't like, you'll be better off staying away.

- black leather jacket
- skull mask
- blue jeans
- black tennis shoes

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