" Yahh Jungkook-ah!!  Yahhh!!!  Where are you zoning out dumb rabbit! Come here and help me with nets." Jungkook was brought back to reality by Seokjin's nonstop rap like screaming... 
Jungkook quickly hold the edge of net and pulled it on the boat.
" Hyung...You are getting old! Can't you even pull nets anymore... " Jungkook dramatically sighed... 

" Y-Y-You uncultured swine!!  Ungrateful octopus!!!  I brought you up and now you disrespect me? Give me back all the foods I gave you in this 15 years!! " Seokjin lashed at Jungkook...
And that fight caused them no more fishes for that day....

Seokjin and Jungkook are like odd brothers... They are not blood related but their relation defines something more stronger... 
Jungkook was only 5 when Seokjin a 10 y/o found him at his doorstep...
Seokjin's family was kind to let that kid stay with them...
The little boy didn't remember much from his past life except for his name, Xiao Xingwook...  He couldn't even speak Korean language. 

That time Korea wasn't safe for Chinese people due to constant wars...
Seokjin's Family did what needed to be done... They renamed this kid..
Something similar to his actual name...
Jeon Jungkook...
They kept the boy hidden as long as they could...at least until he learned their native language...
Luckily Jungkook was a naturally gifted boy with quick learning skill... 
He never forgets that he was raised by Seokjin's family...
He works with Seokjin at Day aka help fishing...
And works as a helper of the famous craftman at night who happens to Seokjin's father...

Seokjin was 5 years older than Jungkook but they were best friends... They grew up together as each other's back bone...
They might bicker and fight all the time but the bonding was strong...

For Seokjin's Family Jungkook is a golden kid... He is strong, talented, handsome,  well mannered,  polite humble, kind...
He is quick witted and goofy...
He is also weirdly good with sword and archery too... Too bad he is just a adopted kid in a lower class family... Kids like him should be on Royal level...  

For Jungkook he is just thankful for everything he had right now... He only knows how to cherish the present...
The past and future never bothered him... He is a free soul...
A carefree bird...

Jin and Kook's background checked ✔

Next up is Yoongi and Taehyung's  background check...

Later on there will be a chapter for Namjoon and Jimin...

I will include Hobi's one when his time will come in the story... It's better that way...
My sunshine deserves a special chapter alright!!!

Bye Hoomans...  ( 2/3 people who are patiently reading my poor writings) 
Next update is in 12 hours...

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