" Hyung, Why Kaesong is capital of Goryo? " Jungkook was questioning Seokjin non stop...
Seokjin thought, " what a cute curious bunny he is!" but didn't say anything... Jin ignored Jungkook and kept walking towards the market place of Kaesong...
" Hyung!!!!! Answer me? " Jungkook kept whining and trailing behind Jin...

Their family kinda kicked these odd brothers out to explore the world and to be more responsible...

It was Seokjin's idea to move to Kaesong...
They grew up in a small village... So it was overwhelming for them being here in Kaesong, near the Royal palace... 

" Just wait and Watch Jungkook... As soon as I manage to get permission for our fishing business We will be super rich. "

Jungkook scoffed,  " Your Handsome face won't work here Hyung.  You may have been the most handsome back in village but this is the central of Goryo-"
Jungkook was cut off by a smack on his head.

They started bickering like always they do...
Seokjin accidentally bump into someone...

Someone happened to be the crowned prince himself

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Someone happened to be the crowned prince himself...

This morning the crowned prince decided to do a surprise visit at market in disguise...  He wanted to catch some rebels hiding in market...
He could have ordered some ninjas to do this job but for him it's more fun this way...

He was annoyed by the bickering brothers... He just wanted to execute these two right there but that might blow up his cover... So he let it slide...

" Don't you think you should at least apologize? " Yoongi  said quite decently unlike his usual tone...

Seokjin turned back with a shocked face

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Seokjin turned back with a shocked face. " Mister, either you are jealous of my handsome face or else you fell for me. It's not me who should apologize! "
Jungkook kicked Seokjin in this chance and they started kicking and punching each other...

Now Yoongi was shocked... Did these brothers just ignored him? As well as sassed back at him?

One of disguised guards with Yoongi asked him should they catch them to punish or not...

" Nah...just keep an eye on them for now...if they cause more trouble?  Just take one of their head off" Yoongi smirked to himself and went where he was going... 

" Jungkook take these bags to the market hall and eat something... I'll be back after talking to the Market chef." Seokjin handed his bags over to Jungkook and look for the Market Chef...

Jungkook easily picked all bags over shoulder and looked for a eating place...

Suddenly a boy came running out of no where and tripped in front of Jungkook...
" Ok what's wrong with this Kaesong people!!! Why is everyone bumping and tripping!!!  You should watch where- OMG shit YOU ARE SO CUTE! " Jungkook suddenly forgot what he was saying...

There was a boy on the ground... Jungkook never knew a guy fallen his own butt can be so cute and innocent... 
This boy seemed a bit older than Jungkook but yet so fluffy!
Suddenly Jungkook knew he was into guys... This clumsy boy just pulled out a gay from Jungkook just in 5 seconds... 

Jungkook's brain stopped functioning... The boy got up on his own and quickly bowed before Jungkook...
" Sorry I'm really in a hurry...Are you ok? Ok bye" the boy quickly run back to where he was coming from....

" WAIT!! " Jungkook called that boy, " I think you were going this way not that way?"

" Oh man...I'm so stupid...right thank you!!! " the  boy giggles adorably...
" What's your name? " Jungkook asked the running boy...

The boy looked back and flashed an angelic smile...
" I'm-

To be continued 😏

A/N: Sorry for the cliff hanger... 
I wrote this chapter while lying upside down... So Maybe there's some mistakes..  But I'm lazy to recheck...
Love you 💕💜

Next Update tomorrow...
Next chapter Teaser : Some Namjin spices 🔥🔥

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