Chapter 4 - Feel Special

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Nayeon's POV

This is the second day that I will have to ride with Jeongyeon and Jihyo but because of what happened yesterday, I want to be the one to drive the three. I woke up earlier than my usual because I know that Jeongyeon is always waking up early. I have to talk to her.

I fixed myself and went downstairs and look for her. She's nowhere to be found so I asked Jihyo who is currently cooking for her whereabouts. "Jihyo, have you seen Jeongyeon?"

"She said she'll just be in the garden. Try looking there."

"Oh. Okay. Thanks."

"Kindly ask her to come in too. I'm almost done here."

"Okay. I'll take care of that."

I went to the garden and found her sitting on the bench.

"Jeongyeon." She faced me and give me a warm smile. "Nayeon. What are you doing here? It's still early."

"Says the one who's earlier than me." I sarcastically said. "By the way, I am here to ask you if I can drive for them again?"

"Why, Nayeon? Don't you like being with Jihyo and me?" she asked while looking at me sadly.

"No, it's not that. I'm just worried about them. About Dahyun." I answered, looking down.


Jeongyeon's POV

There it is again. Those eyes. Those eyes that only appears when she's not with Dahyun.

"Nayeon, if you're worrying about them, let them be like that. It's not like all your life you're watching this. And besides..." I paused for a while and look into her eyes. "I want to ask you one thing."

I think of this time for a while now. I am still having second thoughts but I opened this topic already and there's no turning back.

Nayeon's POV

I opened my locker and found another letter and a lollipop. A smile formed in my lips as I read what's written on it.

Dear Nayeon,
Bunny. Bunny. Bunny.
Don't be so stressed okay? You'll look older if you did that. Kidding. Just want to make you smile. You're my favorite person in the world.

Reading this letter, I remembered the conversation I have with Jeongyeon a while ago.

"And besides, I want to ask you something. Can we date? I mean, you and me. Try dating, you know what I mean?" she asked me nervously. Well, she's not the only one who's nervous here. Me too.

I don't know what to say. It's the first time that someone confessed to me personally. The first time is the first letter that I've received. And it's from Jeongyeon too, right?

I'm having second thoughts but there's nothing wrong with trying.

I just nodded and smiled at her.

You can trace happiness in her eyes right now. She's smiling to me widely. A smile that can make everyone's heart flutter, but the thing is I'm an exception. I don't know why but I'm not feeling any, as of now, I think. That's why I want to try.


As expected, by the time that I'll arrive in the cafeteria, the juniors are already there but-

"Where's Dahyun?" I asked then sit on my seat beside Jeongyeon who immediately wrapped her arms around my shoulder. I just let it be because it feels somehow comfortable.

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