(Gray x Reader) Insomniac

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"What a stupid idea..." You tossed and turned in your sleeping bag, unable to sleep properly. Natsu had the terrible idea earlier that day that Team Natsu should go camping. Everyone agreed, except for you.

And you were dragged along anyways.

You knew that a full night of sleep would not be possible with the light of the stars and a full moon beaming into your translucent tent. Wanting ecscape from the constraining sleeping bag, you slipped out from the sheets and quietly unzipped your tent. Sticking your head out, you peered from side to side searching for any movement. When the coast was clear, you crawled out of the tent and zipped it up hastily.

The campsite was near a walking trail, so you decided a walk would do you good before officially getting to sleep. Quiety, you began down the trail.

It didn't take you a long time to get tired, because the activities earlier in the day had already worn you out. Your legs felt slightly heavy, so you turn around to walk back towards camp.

Then you heard a familiar voice from behind you. "Can't sleep either?" The person asked. You quicky spun around, only to be met by Gray. Looking him up-to-down, you sighed.

"Clothes?" You asked. He looked down, and then an embarresed expression appeared on his face. He picked up his clothes from the ground at his side. He put them on almost as fast as he could take them off.

"Sorry, (y/n)." Gray scratched the back of his head sheepishly while a light rose blush dusted his cheeks. You mentally giggled, his habit was adorable.

"What are you doing out here?" You questioned.

"I couldn't sleep, so I came out here. Is that the same reason why you're out here?" Gray said. You nodded bashfully, the image of a rather attractive shirtless Gray wouldn't get out of your mind.

"Come talk with me for a bit then. It gets a bit boring without someone else." Gray said as he grasped your hand. You blushed the entire time, and you tilted your head to the ground, afraid Gray would see your flustered face illuminated by the moonlight.

But your attempts of covering your face up failed. When he turned to say something to you, her noticed your heated cheeks.

"Are you alright, (y/n)?" Gray said. He took one of his hands to raise your chin. Your eyes were forced to meet his.

"I-I'm fine. It's nothing. You know, I should really be heading back to camp." You said while trying to ecsape from the hand that had snaked around to the small of your back, pulling you closer to his body.

"But we haven't even had a chance to talk yet. Stay a little longer." Gray purred into ear. Words were not able to come out of your mouth. He left you speechless.

You stuttered, trying to formulate a sentence. Using this to his advantage, Gray pressed his lips eagerly against yours. Although you were shocked by his actions, you kissed back with passion. Your fingers intertwined with his smooth locks of hair.

When the two of you finally broke off the kiss, Gray began to speak. "Will you have an easier time sleeping now?"

"Not even close." You knew Gray's kiss would leave you thinking and wide awake for hours upon end, Gray had made you an insomniac.

Fairy Tail One-Shots (Various x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now