(Gajeel x Reader) Caffeine

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  • Opgedragen aan alexis and sarina

"Sheesh, (Y/n), how much caffeine do you need?" Gajeel asked you as you sat down at the bar in Fairy Tail, downing your fourth cup of coffee that morning. You sighed, looking at him with tired eyes.

   "Not in the mood." you said as you signaled to Mira for another glass. She walked by, swooped up your mug with a smile and walked over to the coffee machine to refill you mug.

   "In the mood for what?" Gajeel teased, but you were too tired to reply. The reason you woke up so early was in fact because of the idiot of a iron dragon slayer.

   Mira placed your glass on the bar. You nodded a thank you and took a sip of the drink. Pure bliss.

   "What's in that anyways?" Gajeel said, wrinkling his nose. 

   "Battery acid, what do think?" you replied back sarcastically. Gajeel furrowed his eyebrows.

   "That doesn't smell like the coffee Mira usually makes for me though. The coffee your drinking reeks!" Gajeel said, waving his hands to push the scent away from him to make is point.

   You brought your nose closer to the ceramic mug and took a whiff of the smell. Nothing out of the ordinary here. Heaven in a glass.

   "It smells perfectly fine to me." Lifting the container to you mouth, you put the rim of the glass on your lip and took a big swig of it's contents.

   "Perfectly fine? It smells like a bakery in a mug, not coffee, my little squirt." he ruffled the hair on your head after you put your coffee back down on the counter.

   "It's called coffee creamer, ever heard of it?" you asked. To you, it was one of the most obvious things in the world.

   "No, I drink my coffee black." Gajeel said. He usually drank his drinks strong anyways.

   "I prefer my coffee on the sweeter side." you said, finishing your drink.

   "Are you about ready to go?" Gajeel said. "If we are going to walk there, it might take an hour or so."

   "Why can't I just get another hour of sleep and we ride the train?" You asked, pushing your empty cup to the side and resting your head down on the counter, shutting your eyes peacefully. You wanted to fall asleep right there.

   "You know I have motion sickness!" Gajeel complained.

   "You're the one who made me wake up to go on this stupid mission!" you bickered.

   "I would rather drink one of your pretty girl coffee drinks than go on a vehicle! " Gajeel bantered. You glared at him as you clenched the handle of your mug tightly.

   "There is no way you are ever, ever going to take my coffee away from me!" you snarled. His face suddenly lit up, and he smirked deviously. You poked his nose.

   "Umm... Gajeel? Everything alright over there?" you asked, softening your hold on the mug.

   "If you're not going to let me try your drink, I'm going to have to steal a bit from you." Gajeel grabbed the back of your head and pulled you in closer.

   "But it's empty Gajeel! Mira! Help me!" You glanced desperately at Mira, but she had already left into the back room to refill the pot of coffee.

   Stupid Mira and her match-making ideas.

   Suddenly, Gajeel's lips were pressed against yours, and it felt rather nice. You let yourself melt into the kiss. As your hands moved to his chest, you felt his tongue pry your mouth open.

   You moaned as he roamed your mouth, tasting every bit of you. When Gajeel finished, he pulled his mouth away slowly.

   Taking deep breaths, you leaned into Gajeel's chest, exhausted. He on the other hand was perfectly fine, massaging your back sweetly.

   "It didn't taste that bad, but maybe that's because the taste of you was mixed with it." Gajeel whispered huskily into your ear, nibbling at your lobe. You flushed crimson. In embarrassment, you buried your head even further into his chest.

   "Geehee, now, let's get on this mission now." Gajeel said, standing up. When he left your body, you put your head down on the table once more.

   "Need. Sleep." Gajeel sighed as you whined again. Then you felt muscular arms wrapped around your waist. You squeaked as they lifted you up, pulling you close to his body.

   "We're just going to have to do this the hard way." he carried you out of the guild, taking you towards your destination. It wasn't long before you fell asleep in the comfort of his arms.

   Meanwhile, Mira was peaking around the side of the door, grinning. She finally got to witness a making of a couple in Fairy Tail. Success.

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