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“ lower your voice
both of your feet come closer
until you're face to face with me
listen more attentively
make beautiful dreams come true with me ”


beomgyu replayed that voice back to back in his head once again. he always replayed it when he wasn't feeling the best. so it became a broken record repeating in his head over and over again


beomgyu's mom was chinese; his dad met her went he was overseas for vacation.

beomgyu's dad fell deeply in love with her and wanted to take her back to korea

his mom felt nothing for his dad though. she was just a simple waiter trying to get some money for her college.

the truth was, beomgyu's mom hated his dad because of how rich he was. oh how she despised rich people who flaunt their wealth without it even being theirs.

however things really seemed to go great for beomgyu's dad.


introducing ;

choi boongsik as beomgyu's dad

lee sanqi [ 李善琪 ] as beomgyu's mom


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