Chapter 2

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Kang Sung-jo & Edward got out of their chamber & looked over the corridor which was leading to the Control Room. Standing at the front of their chamber's door they were watching others cadets from rest of the chambers who were also rushing towards the Contol Room. Both Kang Sung-jo & Edward stood clueless, suddenly, a cadet came in a swift & had a collision with Kang Sung-jo & both fell on the ground together. As they had a fall on the ground Edward who was witnessing everything quickly acted & made both of them stand back again on their feet. Then cadet who collided with Kang Sung-jo asks.

Cadet: Sir, are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?

Kang Sung-jo: I'm okay & I'm fine.

Cadet: Sorry Sir, I was in a hurry because of which I didn't look around & ended up colliding with you.

Kang Sung-jo: I told you! I'm alright!

Cadet: Okay, that's a good thing.

Kang Sung-jo:  By the way, do you know why the meeting has been called now?

Cadet: No, when I was working in my office suddenly I heard the announcement & I came out here.

Edward: Guys, let's go! Otherwise, we may be late for the meeting.

Kang Sung-jo: Yeah, let's go then. Oh, I forgot to ask your name! What's your name?

Cadet: My name is Henry.

Then the trio starts moving towards the Control Room. While walking through the hallway Edward started asking Henry random questions about his life.

Edward: So, Henry! In which branch do you work here?

Henry: Sir, I work in the Data Science Department in Zone5 of this Space Station.

Kang Sung-jo: Wooh! You are a data scientist then?

Henry: No, Am currently just an assistant scientist now?

Edward: Anyway, it's the same thing.
Kang Sung-jo: Yeah, you told it, right bro.

Henry: Where do you people work then?

Edward: We! We are here working at Space Station Mechanics Department.

Henry: Are you those guys? Who use to float outside the window & do mechanical work out in the open space!

Kang Sung-jo: Yeah! Sometimes we had to do that too.

Henry: So cool!

Edward: It isn't that cool as you are thinking buddy!

Henry: No sir, it's super cool.

Kang Sung-jo: If you are saying it cool. It will cool isn't it, Edward?

Edward: Yeah

The trio walked along while doing some small talks & as they reached the gateway of the Control Room. The trio witnessed a huge hustle & bustle throughout the gathering space & the announcer of the Control Room was also announced through her mic system repeatedly to all the cadets to settle down who had gathered there for the meeting which was called by the head of the Contol Room Department. And when all the cadets got inside the Control Room hall, the woman announcer went inside the head's cabin & called him outside to tell the motive of the assembly which was called so urgently. As this much events were taking progress out in the hall still Edward & Kang Sung-jo was clueless about the situation which was taking place in the hall. After some moments suddenly a wave of silence came through the assembled crowd towards Edward & Kang Sung-jo. When the duo noticed that all are being silent, they also stood quiet & looked forward & Kang Sung-jo was able to see the doors of the head's cabin getting open. The head came walking on to the stage & the announcer passed him the mic which she was holding in her hands & the head of Control Room Department started to speak to the crowd.

Head of Control Room: So guys! Let me introduce myself because we have got some new friends here today, who don't know my name? So coming back, my name is Park So-bin & I'm the head of Control Room Department Zone1, which is currently you are standing in. Actually, I was going to say that many of our Xpwork Space Program 2050 family members are going back to earth after hard work of 15 years here in this deep space. I wish them all a best of luck & after this meeting, I Park So-bin, head of Control Room Department happily announces that our company Xpwork has prepared a grand feast for all of us here today & you all are officially invited to the feast.

Hearing this news all cadets got energized & started cheering for the company & the head. Then the party begin all started to enjoy, all started dancing & singing in a way that there were no more tomorrows in their life. But the problem was in its way, as the party was in its halfway everyone was immersed in joy & for Edward & Kang Sung-jo & some other cadets they were in the happiness of going back to earth. Suddenly the cadets in the party experienced huge turbulence but as they were all partying they all just ignored it. But they again experienced the turbulence & within a fraction of seconds, the emergency alarm started making emergency alert everyone stopped partying & stood clueless. But Henry who was standing beside a window saw a kind of light & metal scraps floating around in the endless space as he saw that as any other cadet does he just took a look outside. The view he saw made him that much frightened that he just walked backwards & fell on the ground & started shouting.

Henry: Fire, fire…  The space station is on fire.

Park So-bin: What?

The head ran towards the window from where Henry saw the fire & checks for clarification because he was drunk at that time. And when he checks out of the window Henry was right the space station was on fire. He urgently orders the control room to check the reason of fire & with that he orders to detach the part on fire & seal the chamber to protect other parts of the station & workers in there. Then the head announces to the workers that the party is currently terminated & return to their own chamber. As the cadets were getting back to their chambers, the head ran to his office room & called a meeting of Control Room officials. Within in a few periods of time, all officials got gathered in his room other than from the destroyed zone. The angry head shouts & asks.

Park So-bin: What the hell is this? I need an explanation? How?

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