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I can't help but realize I have been rushing these stories because I get excited about future plotlines, so these will start to come out slower because I am putting more effort into them and will try not to rush things as much in hopes of getting a whole novel length worth of chapterss. It might also help the problem I have. I have time to think so I just get excited about writing these stories, come up with new ideas, and start them right away...

Marinette's POV

Celebrating the beginning of senior year, we decided to have a camping trip. Everyone in Miss Busteir's class came and set up tents.

Now it was getting dark and everyone crouded around the fire, "Who is ready for s'mores and spooky ghost stories?" Alya asked.

An owl hooted behind us and I coyote howled giving off an ominous mood.

"I actually have a story that's about a student from Françoise Dupont not that long ago..." Kim began. Everyone looked frightened, but intrigued.

"It's the story of Adrien Agreste, the model boy who was murdered!! Do you know that abandond lockeroom?" Everyone nodded, "that is where someone snuck in and murdered 17 year old Adrien Agreste!!!! To this day, his ghost roams! And they say that even his ghost is good looking."

Everyone laughed.

"You laugh now, but it was a true story." He singsonged.

Time Skip

When I went home to my apartment, I couldn't get the story of Adrien Agreste out of my mind. I knew it was fake, but why else would that lockeroom be abandond? It was brand new. 

I shook it off and laid down in my bed after I put on some comfy pajamas. That camping trip was fun, but I was glad it was long over. I had school tomorrow.

I closed my eyes and imagined what Adrien Agreste might look like.

I was about to fall asleep--probably into a murderous nightmare--when I felt a stranger's stare through my window.

I was a little scared to open my eyes in fear of what I might see, but I had to look.

My lids slowly and nervously opened and I saw  two electric green, catlike, eyes staring at me possesively through the window next to my bed. I screamed bloody murder.

My fingers held tight onto my blankets, strangling them, and my face was paralized with fear.

There was a chuckle coming from outside, barely muffled by the wall.

"It's okay princess. I'm just paying my normal nightly visit." A male's voice said from the other side of the wall. He clambered out of view and onto the balcony revealing his full figure. Messy blonde hair fell over his mischevious green eyes---that clearly had plans for me. Covering his half his face, was a sideways hour-glass-shaped black mask. Two black cat ears twitched atop his head. And he was dressed in a black jumpsuit with a golden bell at the collar exposng his fit, muscular form. In any other situation, he might be attractive.

It was all so familair, but it took my minds a couple minutes to register who he was because I was so frightend. It was criminal-mastermind Chat Noir.

He used one of his feline nails to pick the lock and come into my house.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, struggling to keep the terrified tremble from my tone. All tthe lights were out in the house, so I could barely see where he was.

The only way I could occassionally spot him, was when his eyes were at just the right angle that the streetlight glistened in the corner of his pupil.

"I think you are beautiful, talented, and smart.... and what I want is to get to know make you mine." He said with a hissy tone.

"B-But you are a c-criminal!"

He inched closer until I could feel his warm breath on my cheek. His gloved hand fell down to my hip sending a shiver down my spine. He had me cornered. My phone was out of reach too.

"A criminal with perks." He said closing the distance between us. I squirmed and struggled but he was too strong. Eventually I gave in and let him kiss me. Maybe this sounds wrong, but I kind of liked it.

I turned red, "So y-you don't w-want my m-money?"

"No my Princess. I want you. You don't have a boyfriend, right?" he seetehed protectivly.

"N-No....No one usually l-likes me." I stuttered as he tucked my bluenette hair behind my ear.

"Hmm." He whispered pulling me up and pinning me to the wall.

"T-Take anything you w-want! P-please don't hurt me!"

He stepped back and looked at my phone, "Go ahead and report me. I would never hurt you." He said slyly, knowing I was too innocent to do report him.

I couldn't do it. As much as I hated being stalked, I got this odd warm feeling inside. Probably because I have never beem kissed before. I hated to feel this. Especially with a person as terrible as Chat Noir.

"Just leave and nothing bad has to happen to you." I said.

He crossed his arms across his chest, "But Princess? I have stolen valuable things...comitted hate crimes..."

I thought it was odd. He was probably trying to get me to realize that I would never do anything to someone who did nothing to me.

I walked away from him and the nightstand and sat on my bed, still shaking with shock.

"I'm not as bad as they say, eh Marinette?" He asked, kindly putting his arm around me.

"N-no!" I yelped and jumped away from him, "don't touch me. Okay? Just leave and don't come back Chat Noir." 

He pushed me down on the bed and kissed me one more time, "That's so you won't forget me, Marinette." He whispered into my ear seductively and took out a metal baton that he used to propell himself out of the window.

I shivered at the thought of what just happened. Why did Chat Noir want me?

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