Full Moon

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Marinette's POV

Chat Noir was starting to scare me. He used to say he wouldnt force it, but now it was like I was catnip to him.

The drugs and achohol and he's the addict.

It scared me. No one has ever loved me let alone be addicted to me.

"Ma belle." He purred, still pinning me against the wall, "Im sorry if I come off as pushy, but I need you."

His eyes shone brighter green than normal. His pupils were dialated and small fangs poked ouy of his mouth.

"Are you...alright?"

"I'm more than alright when I am with you princesse." He said slyly.

This might seem a bit cliche, but I think I knew what was wrong.

I looked at the sky. Tonight was a full moon. Perhaps he was affected by it.

"Chaton, this isn't you." I said unconfortably.

"This, Marinette, is certainly me." He growled rubbing the back of my neck.

I squirmed out of his grasp and ran into my house. He followed me, cornering me until I hit a wall.

"Chat! St-." I tried but he just slammed another kiss onto my lips. He wrapped his arm around my waist and used it to pull me against his chest.

I sucked in a huge breath and ran away, hiding my face in my arms.

Chat Noir's POV

Marinette had never been so attractive. Her cheeks warm with blush, eyes filled with fear...

All I wanted was to kiss her until I die. Yes...you could say I wanted more than that but its not like I'm that out of control. Woah Chat! Dirty mind much?

She ran away from me, only making me want more. She smelled like catnip. Marinette was irresistable.

This went on until the moon sunk down and the sun started to rise.

Everything seemed to be more clear now, and I realized what happened. It was the full moon.

I looked at Marinette. Her hair was a mess, marks all over her face and neck, and tears streaming down her eyes.

My eyes widened in horror. What had I done to her?!

Marinette's POV

Chat's eyes lightened all of thr sudden. I realized the moon had sank.

He looked at me and looked horroifed at what he had done.

"I am so so so sorry ma princesse." He practically sobbed at the sight of me, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I am not giving excuses but I just need to tell you..the f-."

My face lightened. "The full moon eh? So it isnt just a legend." I sniffed trying to wipe my tears away.

"How did you know?"

"I c-could see it in y-your e-eyes." I stuttered, still a little shaken by what had happened that night.

He stepped back, serverely disappointed in himself.

"I am so sorry Marinette." He repeated.

"It's alright Minou. I know you'd never hurt me on purpose."

His expression lightend when I planted a kiss on his cheek.

Although I knew that what he did was triggered by the full moon, I could only wonder if that is what he was holding back from doing.

Hawkmoth's POV

"Volpina. I need you to help me defeat Chat Noir." I ordered, Volpina bowing in my presence.

"How may I be of your assistance sir?" Volpina asked with a devilsh smirk in her face.

"I need you to get Marinette here for me. Now that I know his weakness, all we need to do is use it to our advantage."

Volpina's grin widened, "What's the plan Hawkmoth?"

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