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This is just used in the story so I thought I'd just say really quick "Ma belle" is my beautiful in French. Also sorry if you ever see me publish something with a random letter title. It means I forgot to change it. It is just so it has a title, while I write it. I come up with the title after the chapter is finished

Marinette's POV

I went about my day like normal, and a quick call from Alya easily got Chat off my mind. I hummed my favorite song while brewing some coffee. The closet door creaked open as I pulled it, and I quickly slipped some fashionable (in my opinon) clothes on. I kicked my slippers off and slid across the hard-wood floor like it was made of ice.

I sipped up my coffee and grabbed my keys with jingled in my grasp. Today was going to be a normal...Chat Noir

Time Skip

When I arrived at school, I was in a particularly good mood.

"What's made you so happy Mari?" Asked Alya.

"Not sure," I confessed, "just woke up like this I guess."

I completed my homework during school so I had no work to do once I got home.


I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, "We haven't seen common crimminal Chat Noir for months and think he has perhaps changed his ways-." I changed the channel. The last thing I needed was a reminder about Chat.

Suddenly there was taps coming from my balcony window. The muscular toned figure from yesterday. I wasn't sure what to do. I knew he could pick the lock, so I just let him in.

"Why hello ma belle." He said bowing. He was probably trying to sound like a gentleman, but his eyes still screamed flirtatious bad boy. I could see right through him.

"What do you want?" I muttered.

"You know what I want." He smirked looking me up and down. He started to come closer and was surprised that he stopped when I put my hands up.

"What is it?" He purred, tucking a loose hair behind my ear.

"Why me? I'm clumsy, and to be honest I don't think I'm very pretty, so you don't have to call me that...." It might have been sad, but it was the truth.

He crept closer and looked me in the eye. His mischeivious, unperdictable eyes now looked genuine, "Princess you are beautiful."

I finally felt loved by someone, but who was I kidding? He was a killer. A murderer. A criminal. The dim light from the late evening made his eyes glisten. I wanted to hate him for everything that he was but there was no way I could. And how he told me I was beautiful...

The way he held his body dominately, his terrifying deadly glare and the way he called me his still made my skin crawl.

I shook his head at his words, "Chat you can't just claim me. I am not an object. I am not owned by you or anyone for that matter."

He took a step backwards. He looked like he was really restraining himself from kissing me, or touching me...everything like that. "I won't force anything anymore...I just...I've never loved anyone. I love you."

My eyes fluttered and widend in shock. He loved me?, "How can you love someome you barely know." I asked sitting down on the couch.

"Never heard of love at first sight, Princess?"  He smirked, letting some of his can't-be-tamed side shine through.

"I have, but I'm not exactly a sight for sore eyes." I chuckled.

I had a sudden flashback of seeing Chat up close for the first time. That fluttery feeling inside of me....I assumed it was fear, but could it be the same thing he felt when he saw me? No. This is unreasonable. What am I doing talking to him? I should be calling the police.

The sun set and he still hadn't left.

I looked him in the eye, despite how much it scared me to do so, "If you want me, I should at least know what your face looks like under that mask."

He sighed, "I'm a crimminal Marinette. No one can know who I am."

I made a pouty face, hoping he'd cave to it.

"Do I know you? I feel like I've seen you before."

He flinched, "I don't think so ma belle."

He swung his arm around me. To his surprise, I didn't push him away.

His face got close to mine and his warm breath tickled my neck. I was wincing waiting for him to attack me with kisses, but it never came. His mouth shifted to near my ear, "Princess. I love you so. I will never let anything happen to you. If anyone hurts you I will kill them. Just shoot me a text or a call." He whispered into my ear and slipped a small stickynote into my hand. He hopped onto rooftops the sound of his baton extending could be heard for a couple seconds before I was left back to my silence.

I looked down at the stickynote and saw that it was a phone number. I quickly put the number into my contacts and debated on whether or not I should send a text this soon. It might give him the wrong idea. I gave it some thought, and decided that I didn't care. He clearly didn't care that I knew he was desperate so I dont either.

M: Hey. This is Marinette.

CN: Bonjour ma belle. je vous manque? (Hello my beautiful. Miss me?)

M: Speaking in French now?

CN: I find the language more romantic.

M: You, trying to be romantic? Can't say I'm surprised.

CN:So...DID YOU miss me? It was only a couple minutes...

M: No. Don't push it kitty.

CN: Kitty??? Did I earn a nickname too princess?

M: We'll see.

Chat Noir's POV

Marinette had asked for my identity. I gave it some thought. And for her saftey, she could never know the truth.  The truth could put her in mortal danger.

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